Netflix has given the green light to a new dark comedy series created by Tom Segura. The six-episode series, currently untitled, will feature Segura as the narrator guiding viewers through a series of vignettes. Described as having a twisted comedic sensibility, the show will showcase Segura's unique humor in a hilariously disturbing manner.
Segura took the initiative to write, self-finance, and produce the pilot episode before successfully selling it to Netflix. The streaming giant plans to produce the full series later this year, with an expected release date in 2025. The pilot was directed by Rami Hachach.
The series caught Netflix's attention based on the pilot episode that Segura independently produced. Jeremy Konner, known for his work on 'Drunk History' and 'Waffles & Mochi,' will serve as the head writer for the show. Segura, along with Ryan Hall, will produce the series through Your Mom's House Studios.
Tom Segura has a history of collaboration with Netflix, having released five comedy specials on the platform. His stand-up tour, 'Come Together,' is currently ongoing. In 2022, Segura published a bestselling comedic essay collection titled 'I'd Like to Play Alone, Please.' Additionally, he co-hosts the popular podcasts 'Your Mom's House' with his wife, comedian Christina Pazsitzky, and '2 Bears 1 Cave' with comedian Bert Kreischer.