A 22-month old toddler accidentally ordered almost $2,000 worth of furniture from Walmart with his mom’s iPhone, and his family has continued to receive orders.
While speaking to Today on 22 January, parents Pramod and Madhu Kumar said that they noticed multiple and unexpected packages arrive at their house in New Jersey. And while they never ordered these items, they realised shortly after that their toddler son Ayaansh did as he was playing with his mom’s iPhone.
“My wife does online shopping, so at the time, she was checking some things on Walmart and she added to a cart,” Pramod explained. “She was not intending to purchase those, she just added to a cart and said: ‘Okay, we’ll come back later.’
“But then she put the phone down and somehow my son managed to get the phone.”
After accidentally making the Walmart order, which cost nearly $2,000, the various pieces of furniture were delivered to the family’s home, with the order including accent chairs, flower stands, and various household items.
“We’re still getting the packages,” Pramod revealed. “We have a bunch of packages. Like today, there are two packages just sitting outside of our house.”
Pramod also acknowledged that online shopping can be a somewhat thorough process, so he was “really surprised” that his son managed to submit the order by himself.
“If you go online shopping, it asks you multiple times about the items you need to select and you have to click here to be able to confirm and then reconfirm to make sure before ordering,” he explained. “So I was really surprised to see how he was able to complete the whole transaction.”
While speaking to News 12 New York, Pramod and Madhu said that they contacted Walmart to cancel all the orders. However, they weren’t able to do so since some of the packages had already been delivered.
“The first person came with the box, and he put it next to the door,” Madhu said. She then recalled that the next order was then put on the first step of the house, and the process continued. “It was a queue,” she said about the packages.
However, Madhu and Pramod still found humour in their son’s purchase, as they acknowledged that he had no idea what he’d done.
"He’s totally clueless to what he did,” Pramod told Today about Ayaansh, as he noted “nothing he ordered is of interest to him”.
In an interview with WNBC, Pramod and Madhu further revealed how much amusement their entire family, including Ayaansh’s two older siblings, had gotten from the situation.
“He’s so little, he’s so cute, we were laughing that he ordered all this stuff,” Madhu said about her youngest child.
As for when Ayaansh uses his mother’s phone in the future, Pramod explained that there will be a few more restrictions on it.
“Moving forward, we will put tough passcodes or face recognition so when he picks up the phone he finds it in locked condition,” he explained.
In regards to what they’re going to do with all the packages, Pramod and Madhu told WNBC that they are going to wait until they all arrive and then go to Walmart to return them. Their local store told the parents that they would receive a full refund.
However, the couple also said that they might keep a few of the things that Ayaansh bought, as a way of remembering the hilarious incident.
The Independent has reached out to Madhu for a comment.