@tardibabe Beautiful creatures can be found in the most unexpected places! 🥹 Here are the microbes I found: Clip 1: colonial green algae named Gonium. They can be found around the globe in freshwaters and are usually composed or 4, 8, 16 or 32 cells. They have the ability to swim toward a light source with the help of their two flagella so they can produce sugars by photosynthesis. Clip 2: a unicellular organism named Colpoda that loves to feed on algae and move with the help of thousands of tiny hairs, called cilia, beating together! Clip 3: a multicellular worm called Aeolosoma which is in the same group than earth worms. They feed on degraded plant material like dead leaves but also on protozoa, bacteria and algae. They ingest food like a small vacuum, by creating a suction with their mouths while their ventral cilia push debris inside it! Clip 4: a unicellular organism, most probably a Litonotus lamella, that loves to feed on bacteria and small microbes! Like Colpoda, this creature is a ciliate that moves with the help of thousands of microscopic hairs beating together. Clip 5: a Hypotrich ciliate, mostly feeding on algae and bacteria! Clip 6: the same Colpoda as clip 2 but viewed with phase contrast illumination. You can see it engulfing a small algae! Clip 7: Aeolosoma worm Clip 8: more Gonium algae but viewed under phase contrast illumination! All videos were taken with my iPhone mounted on a BA310E Motic microscope with an @ilabcam adapter References: Foissner, W., & Berger, H. (1996). A user‐friendly guide to the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) commonly used by hydrobiologists as bioindicators in rivers, lakes, and waste waters, with notes on their ecology. Freshwater biology, 35(2), 375-482. Marchese, M. R., Alves, R. G., Oceguera-Figueroa, A., Glasby, C. J., Gil, J., Martin, D., … & Damborenea, C. (2020). Phylum Annelida. In Thorp and Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates (pp. 431-486). Academic Press. Nakada, T., & Nozaki, H. (2015). Flagellate green algae. In Freshwater Algae of North America (pp. 265-313). Academic Press. #fyp #garden #microscope #animals #science
♬ Brokendate – Com Truise
@tardibabe WHO’S THAT POKEMON? You probably already have noticed how I love to use polarized light on water bears (or anything else really ) because it showcases their muscle strands, their mouth and the content of their stomach! Everything glow and the colour changes depending on the animal’s orientation to the light. They just really look like they’re ready to PARTAY 🪩 Tardigrades, also called water bears or moss-piglets, are without a doubt the international super stars of the micro world. They’re mostly famous because they evolved and adapted to survive extreme environmental conditions that are generally a death sentence to other animals. Among these adaptations we find resisting dehydration by forming a quiescent tun (they look like little barrels), resisting sub-zero temperatures down to -196 °C in their hydrated form and temperatures from -273°C to 100°C in their dehydrated form. They’re also able to survive enormous amount of radiations, high pressures, low oxygen concentrations, exposure to the vacuum of space and being shot out of a gun at different speeds (poor bears just trying to live a normal life). It has been shown that water bears are among the most radiation-tolerant animals on this planet! Don’t get me wrong though, water bears aren’t immortal, they can die from lack of oxygen or food and even be victims of fungal parasitic infections, which mostly occurs in moist habitats and when cultured in laboratories. All of these cool adaptations allowed tardigrades to inhabit every micro environment on Earth; from Arctic to Antarctic, deserts to tundra, mountains and forests, grasslands and valleys, ponds and lakes, they can even be found in the deep sea and most likely in your own backyard! Since they usually measure between 50 microns to 1 millimeter, using a microscope to observe those from your backyard would be necessary. All videos were taken with my iPhone mounted on a BA310E Motic microscope with an @ilabcam ultra adapter #fyp #tardigrade #animals #science
♬ Walking On a Dream – Empire of the Sun
@tardibabe This is the worm version of a shark I took this video one and a half years ago and it was the first time seeing a microscopic annelid worm eat! I was mind blown to see how they create suction and pull food inside their mouth by everting the muscular roof of their pharynx That’s one hell of a special trick! And yes, the black dots are their eyes! Aquatic Oligochaete worms like this long boi are usually pretty thin and small, generally measuring 1 mm but can reach up to a couple centimetres. These worms are related to earth worms and are mainly decomposers, which means that they feed on decaying organic matter but some also feed on algae, small protozoans like ciliates and some even prey on other worms Oligochaetes living at the bottom of the water column also helps mixing and oxygenating benthic substrates by borrowing! They aren’t dangerous to humans and can be spotted with the naked eye Oligochaete worms are segmented animals, meaning that their body is made of small repetitive units and all of them possess a pair of primitive kidneys and components of circulatory and nervous system. Primitive kidneys are essential to remove wastes from blood and coelom. The different segments also bear a pair of bristles, called setae, which are use to anchor the worm when moving around. But to move around so easily by crawling on surfaces also means muscles are needed! Circular and longitudinal muscles are here to help Sharky to lengthen and contract all of his segments to be able to stretch forward and eat all of the algae! Video taken with my iPhone mounted on a BA310E Motic microscope with an @ilabcam adapter References: Brinkhurst, R. O., & Gelder, S. R. (2001). Annelida: Oligochaeta, including Branchiobdellidae. Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates, 2, 431-463 Pinder, A. M., & Ohtaka, A. (2004). Annelida: Clitellata, Oligochaeta. Freshwater invertebrates of the Malaysian region. Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 162-174. #fyp #microscope #science #shark #eating #animals
♬ Red Red Wine – UB40
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