You can never have too many black handbags, so as soon as we spot a new sophisticated style on the high street, we're immediately ready to invest. It's just an added bonus that a new design from M&S looks very similar to a sought-after designer buy...
Chanel's classic handbags are some of the best designer bags money can buy, and they come with a stamp of approval from A-listers including Katie Holmes and Zoe Saldana. However, they're a pretty unattainable purchase for most of us.
That's why we were thrilled to find a sleek crossbody bag that looks very similar to the Chanel classic flap bag at M&S - for less than £40. If you've always pined after a handbag from the French fashion house but could never quite justify the cost, this is your chance to get the look for much, much less.
As soon as we spotted this M&S bag, it immediately reminded us of the Chanel classic flap. With the same quilted style, glossy finish, and signature chain handle, it's a very strong looklike. Forget the best designer bags under £1000, this high street buy proves you can find designer-worthy accessories for a fraction of the price.
Although we love an affordable alternative to a premium designer buy, it's important to note that the quality of both bags will be very different. Whilst the M&S bag is made from 100% polyurethane, the Chanel original is made from black lamb leather, which will wear far better and last longer in your wardrobe.
Plus, there are visual differences in the design of both bags - the M&S has some extra padding on the handle, a statement seam down the middle, and of course lacks the handy hidden back pocket and the iconic C clasp.
However, if you're on a budget and can't stretch to the almost £9k price tag, an M&S sale or full-price version of one of the best crossbody bags can help you to achieve a similar look, or try out the style before forking out for the real thing.
This particular looklike is easily one of the best on the market right now, and you can guarantee it will get countless wears in your capsule wardrobe. For just £39.50, it's a no-brainer purchase.
Shop more quilted crossbody bags
Play into the spring/summer handbag trends 2024 with this affordable design from Accessorize. With that handy back pouch for keeping your essentials safe, it is sophisticated and chic.