This year marks the 20th anniversary of The Walrus, with the organization consistently having won awards for its journalism and art since its inception. The 46th National Magazine Awards was no different. The Walrus bagged three National Magazine Awards at a gala ceremony hosted in Toronto.
“Magazine publishing is a team sport, and our great showing this year is a tribute to the whole magnificent crew at The Walrus—especially our writers who come to us with their best stories and pour their heart and soul into them,” said Interim Editor-in-Chief Carmine Starnino.
The Walrus received GOLD in the Poetry category, and two SILVER awards for Best Personal Journalism and Best Illustration. These wins cap a successful evening for The Walrus, which also received one GOLD award at the 2023 Digital Publishing Awards.
“Every year, the National Magazine Awards highlight the best of the industry, honouring the writers, editors, artists, and teams that produce this work,” said Jennifer Hollett, Executive Director of The Walrus. “We are extremely proud of these nominations and awards. At a time when many media organizations are shrinking and closing, this is a reminder of the power and importance of ideas and journalism.”
The Walrus is a registered charity that produces independent journalism that is thoroughly fact-checked and captures the conversations that Canadians are invested in. The organization thanks its subscribers, readers, and contributors for their continued support.
The Walrus congratulates all the contributors and staff who were nominated and won awards for their storytelling.
GOLD WINNER for Poetry / Poésie
“Tears of Things”
Susan Musgrave
SILVER WINNER for Illustration (incl. Spot & Photo Illustration) / Illustrations
“What Tourette’s Taught Me”
Julien Posture
Contributor: Paul Kim, art director
SILVER WINNER for Personal Journalism / Journalisme personnel
“Giant Mine’s Toxic Legacy”
Eva Holland
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, handling editor; Leila El Shannawy, fact checker
Long-Form Feature Writing: 6000+ / Meilleur article de fond : 6000+ mots
“Endless Exile”
Annie Hylton
Contributors: Harley Rustad, handling editor; Mashal Butt, fact checker; Jeremy Leung, illustrator
Long-Form Feature Writing / Meilleur article de fond—long format
“Giant Mine’s Toxic Legacy”
Eva Holland
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, handling editor; Leila El Shennawy, fact checker
“Divine Intervention”
Wendy Glauser
Contributors: Carine Abouseif, handling editor; Emily Baron Cadloff, fact checker; Sebastien Thibault, illustrator
Essays / Essais
“Food Fight”
Samia Madwar
Contributors: Harley Rustad, handling editor; Leila El Shennawy, fact checker; Janice Wu, illustrator
“Tomorrow’s News”
Jessica Johnson
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, handling editor; Aaliyah Dasoo, fact checker; Romain Lasser, illustrator
Investigative Reporting / Journalisme d’enquête
“Rights and Wrongs”
Martin Patriquin
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, handling editor; Emma Wilkie, fact checker; Kenya-Jade Pinto, photographer
Personal Journalism / Journalisme personnel
“The Love Letter”
Stephen Trumper
Contributors: Samia Madwar and Harley Rustad, handling editors; Connor Garel, fact checker; Michelle Paterok, artist
Profiles / Portraits
“If I Had Me a Porsche”
Marcello Di Cintio
Contributors: Carmine Starnino, handling editor; Nikky Manfredi, fact checker
Illustration (incl. Spot & Photo Illustration) / Illustrations
“Survival of the Funnest”
Hudson Christie
Contributor: Paul Kim, art director
“Textual Healing”
Myriam Wares
Contributor: Paul Kim, art director
Social Media:
Facebook: /thewalrus
Twitter: @thewalrus
Instagram: @thewalrus
LinkedIn: /the-walrus
For more information, contact:
Monita Mohan, Marketing Manager, The Walrus at monita@thewalrus.ca
About The Walrus
The Walrus provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians. As a registered charity, we publish independent, fact-based journalism in The Walrus and at thewalrus.ca; we produce national, ideas-focused events, including our flagship series The Walrus Talks; and we train emerging professionals in publishing and nonprofit management. The Walrus is invested in the idea that a healthy society relies on informed citizens.