Missed your chance to manifest when the first supermoon hit earlier this month? Well you’re in luck, because August is blessing us with a second supermoon, and this one called a Blue Moon. With all those retrogrades going down, I’m sure you’re desperate for some positive energy and now’s the time to tap into it because we won’t see another one until 2037.
Anywho, here’s everything you need to know about this mystical occurrence that happens, excuse the pun, once in a blue moon.
Blue Moon 2023
When is the next Blue Moon?
Today, folks!
On August 30 and August 31, there will be a second supermoon for the month. Anytime there’s two supermoons in one month, it’s called a Blue Moon.
How can I see the moon?
Speaking to ABC News, Matt Woods from the Perth Observatory shared that if we wanna cop a glimpse of the moon, we should “look east at dusk, just as the moon is rising.”
“It’s always best to see low on the horizon,” he said
“There’s that optical illusion where it looks bigger than it does.”
And before you ask: no, it will not be blue.
How will it affect us?
Prepare to be feeling blue, and not just because this moon is named after that colour.
It falls in moody and emotional Pisces, so its soppy water sign energy is likely to impact us (that and the fact that Mercury Retrograde is plaguing our lives, along with several other planets).
Watch what you say and how you interpret what other people tell you because miscommunications are likely to happen. Piscean energy will have ya feeling ultra sensitive and you’re bound to get upset.
Try to take a beat before responding and interpreting the energy people are giving off.
The Blue Moon may also bring with it flashbacks and memories from the past — both positive and negative ones.
Don’t be bogged down by the sad emotions attached to these memories. Instead, analyse why whispers from the past are coming back. Have a think about how they made you feel at the time and how far you’ve come.
Then, when you feel that you have worked through the issue, let go of whatever is no longer serving you.
What should I do?
So get this: because Pisces is linked with your ~intuition~, expect to be feeling ultra intuitive.
Pay attention to signs that come to you, whether it’s inklings you have, dreams, the results of a tarot / angel card reading, etc.
Your psychic abilities are peaking RN and the universe is sending you messages so make sure you’re open to receiving them! You have the potential to unlock secrets and access information that has been bubbling up on the surface and begging to come out.
I’ve already had a slew of people hit me up asking me to interpret their bonkers dreams. When it comes to dreams, remember that you shouldn’t always take them literally — it’s like the Death card in tarot, which actually represents new beginnings.
Be sure to look up a decent dream interpreter to suss what the universe is trying to tell you.
Can I charge my crystals?
You sure can! Supermoon energy might be chaotic but it’s not volatile like Eclipse Season energy.
Go ahead and charge those crystals, set those intentions, make that moon water.
In fact, it’s not only allowed, it’s encouraged! This moon has major transformative powers and you won’t want to miss it.
When is the next supermoon?
The next supermoon will be on September 29 and it’ll be the last one of 2023, so make sure ya get your super-powered manifestations in now, bbs!
Matty Galea is the Managing Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer. His first book How To Spot The (Star) Signs is coming October 31. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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