House of the Dragon season 2 is in full swing, which means the Targaryen civil war is ramping up. But considering how so many Targaryens look pretty alike and have an unfortunate habit of giving their kids similar names, you might get confused over the Targaryen family tree.
Have no fear because we're here to lay out who's who in House of the Dragon. We've got all the major players from season 1 below to refresh your memory, as well as the significant characters of season 2. That means there are some light spoilers below for both seasons, so tread carefully if you're not up to date.
So, if you're struggling to tell your Rhaenyra from your Rhaenys from your Rhaena, or you're wondering just how many Aegons there actually are, help is coming. Fire and blood awaits...
Who are the Targaryens in House of the Dragon?

Jaehaerys is the eldest Targaryen we see on the show. Played by Michael Carter, we meet Jaehaerys during a flashback in season 1 set nine years before the show in which the Great Council decides who should be heir to the Iron Throne – the two candidates are his grandchildren Viserys and Rhaenys, the two oldest children of his two sons, Baelon and Aemon, who died of a burst appendix and in battle, respectively.
Jaehaerys is the longest-reigning Westerosi monarch, sitting on the Iron Throne for 55 years, which were characterized by peace. He eventually died of old age and his grandson Viserys took over the throne.

Played by Eve Best, Rhaenys is married to Lord Corlys Velaryon, a member of King Viserys' Small Council. The granddaughter of the late King Jaehaerys, she was passed over as heir to the throne by the Great Council, despite being older, as the lords of Westeros didn't want a woman on the Iron Throne. She's now known as the Queen Who Never Was. She is the cousin of Viserys and Daemon and has two children, Laenor and Laena.

When House of the Dragon kicks off, Viserys Targaryen, played by Paddy Considine, is the king of Westeros. He's Rhaenyra's father and Daemon's older brother and he was chosen to succeed his grandfather King Jaehaerys to the throne by the Great Council.
He was married to Aemma before she died during childbirth, and in episode 2 he announced that he planned to marry Alicent Hightower in order to secure the Targaryen line. Alicent is the daughter of the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, and Rhaenyra's former best friend. They go on to have three children: Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena.
Although the name may be familiar, don't get confused with Viserys from Game of Thrones – House of the Dragon is set around 200 years before Daenerys' brother, played by Harry Lloyd in Game of Thrones, was marrying his sister off to Khal Drogo.
Viserys' death is what causes The Dance of the Dragons, a huge civil war that begins between Rhaenyra and her half-brother Aegon.

Daemon, played by Matt Smith, is Viserys' younger brother. He assumed he would be his brother's heir to the throne before Viserys chose his daughter Rhaenyra in his place.
He leaves King's Landing after Rhaenyra is confirmed to be Viserys' heir and occupies Dragonstone – the home of the heir to the throne, which he still believes himself to rightly be. He later marries Laena Velaryon and has two children: Baela and Rhaena Targaryen.
Following the end of her first marriage and Laena's death. Daemon marries Rhaenyra. They have three children together, although their daughter Visenya Targaryen is stillborn.

Aemma, played by Sian Brooke, is married to Viserys and mother to Rhaenyra. She has suffered several miscarriages trying to give Viserys a son, and she dies giving birth to another boy, Baelon, in season 1, episode 1.
She's a Targaryen by both blood and marriage – despite being born House Arryn, her mother, Daella, was a Targaryen and a daughter of King Jaehaerys. This means that Viserys and Aemma are cousins. #JustGameOfThronesThings.

Rhaenyra is Viserys and Aemma's daughter and their only surviving child, as well as Daemon's niece. In season 1, episode 1, Viserys decides to make her his heir to the Iron Throne, naming her Princess of Dragonstone. Rhaenyra has been a dragonrider since she was a child and her dragon is named Syrax – we see the two together when they land on Dragonstone to confront Daemon in season 1, episode 2.
Played by Milly Alcock at the start of season 1, an older version of Rhaenyra is played by Emma D'Arcy for the rest of season 1 and beyond. She marries Laenor Velaryon and has three children: Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey. Rhaenyra later marries Daemon and has three children: Aegon, Viserys, and Visenya.

Baelon is Viserys and Aemma's infant son who dies along with his mother in the aftermath of his birth in season 1, episode 1. With no son to succeed him, Viserys decides to make Rhaenyra his heir instead.
Alicent's children: Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena

Viserys and Alicent's first-born son, Aegon, eventually ends up being declared king by the greens, which kickstarts the civil war. He has three siblings: Aemond, Helaena, and Daeron.
Aegon and Helaena also have two children of their own, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, though Jaehaerys was murdered during the awful events of Blood and Cheese. Their third son from the book, Maelor, does not exist in the show.
Rhaenyra's children: Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey

While the trio are technically Velaryons (having taking their father's name), Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey are all of Targaryen stock. Rhaenyra's husband, Laenor, isn't even the father of the children, with House of the Dragon's sixth episode strongly implying that Harwin Strong is their dad (and the following episodes making their true parentage even more obvious).
The season one finale featured the shocking moment when Lucerys was murdered by his cousin Aemond. The pair were on dragon back when Aemond lost control of Vhagar who killed them both.
Daemon's children: Baela and Rhaena

In the years since Rhaenyra's marriage, Daemon found love elsewhere. He married Laena Velaryon and had two children: Baela and Rhaena. Rhaena was seen in the sixth episode of season 1 with an unhatched dragon's egg. Her mother explained that not all eggs hatch, so it remains to be seen whether she will become a dragonrider like the Targaryens before her. Baela is betrothed to Jacaerys and Rhaena was betrothed to Lucerys, before his death.
Rhaenyra and Daemon's children

In season 1, episode 7, after the deaths – real and faked – of their respective spouses, Rhaenyra and Daemon marry each other. By episode 8 of season 1, they have two young children: Aegon (yes, another one) and Viserys. Rhaenyra is pregnant with their third child in episode 8. However, in the season 1 finale, she is sadly stillborn in a heartbreaking scene.
Other Targaryens

Aegon the Conqueror

Aegon's grandson Jaehaerys was the grandfather of Viserys, Daemon, and Rhaenys. That means that King Viserys is the great-great-grandson of Aegon the Conqueror, and Rhaenyra is his great-great-great-granddaughter.
As we found out from Viserys in House of the Dragon episode 1, Aegon foresaw "the end of the world of men", caused by a long winter from the North (Game of Thrones season 8, anyone?), which could only be defeated if a Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne. This is where the 'Conqueror' bit of his title comes in, as the Targaryens left their seat on Dragonstone to unite the Seven Kingdoms and seize power at King's Landing. Aegon called this prophecy the 'Song of Ice and Fire', and it was passed down through the generations, from each ruler to their heir.
Aegon died from a stroke at the age of 64 after reigning for 36 years. He was succeeded by his son, Aenys.

As per season 1, episode 1's opening text, we know that Daenerys Targaryen, AKA Game of Thrones' Mother of Dragons (played by Emilia Clarke), was born 172 years after the events of House of the Dragon kick off. That makes her the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Rhaenyra and the – deep breath – great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Aegon the Conqueror.
Jon Snow

Cast your minds back to Game of Thrones season 8, and you'll remember the big reveal that Jon Snow (Kit Harington) was a Targaryen. Growing up, he'd always believed he was the bastard son of Ned Stark, but his late parents were actually Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark, and Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys' older brother. This makes him Daenery's nephew and the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Aegon the Conqueror.
You can watch House of the Dragon on HBO in the US and Sky and NOW in the UK. Check out our guide to all the most exciting new TV shows to fill out your watchlist.
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- The dragonseeds explained
- The House of the Dragon dragons, listed and explained
- Greens vs. Blacks, explained
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- The Targaryen family tree
- The House of the Dragon timeline
- The Song of Ice and Fire prophecy
- House of the Dragon season 2 release schedule