The terms bull and bear are often used to describe market conditions, giving investors an idea on how the stock market is performing. A bull market is one that is performing well and is typically marked when one broad market index sees a 20% increase over at least a two-month period.
On the other hand, a bear market is when the stock market is on the decline, with stocks down at least 20% over a two-month period.
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J.D. DURKIN: The terms bull and bear are often used to describe market conditions, giving investors an idea on how the stock market is performing. A bull market is one that is performing well and is typically marked when one broad market index sees a 20% increase over at least a two-month period. Someone who is bullish, typically sees the market continuing to do well.
On the other hand, a bear market is when the stock market is on the decline, with stocks tracking declines of at least 20% over a two-month period. Someone who is bearish sees the stock market continuing to do poorly.