Bohemia Interactive announced that the Arma Reforger 1.2: Reinforcements Update is now live. With this, players can look forward to enjoying a lot of new features while at the same time experience some improvements. At its core, the Reinforcements update makes changes to the dynamics of the battlefield by adding new dimensions to the behavior and capabilities of AI. There's no question that the new update changes how players experience combat in the game.
For the first time event, AI soldiers are now able to not only operate ground vehicles and avoid obstacles, but they can also navigate road networks. What this means is that there's now new possibilities when it comes to cooperative and player-vs-player gameplay. Making things even more fun is that AI is now capable of suppressive fire, weapon assignment, and crew member reallocation. That's not all since players can now recruit and direct AI comrades through commands to move, halt, suppress, heal, follow, and defend.
The new update adds multiple turrets for UH-1H and Mi-8MT transport helicopters. This improves their defensive capabilities and changes the dynamics of aerial combat.
Expanded Arsenal
Players should be happy to know that new gear has been added to the arsenal of the factions. There are flares which can be used to illuminate nighttime combat and allow for better visibility. The addition of pilot suits and gloves meanwhile ensures that there's authentic gear for everyone to put on.
A new weapon that players are sure to love is the AKS-74U. This is a lightweight and close-quarter variant of the AK-74. There are also now explosive charges for both the US and Soviet factions resulting in ambush and sabotage capabilities. Then there's the bayonets which can be attached to selected weapons to improve defense in close-quarter combat.
Additional Enhancements
Here are the other improvements from the update:
- Vehicle Unflipping
- Allows players to right overturned vehicles, often requiring teamwork.
- Copilot Control
- Enables copilots to take over helicopter controls if the pilot is incapacitated.
- Civilian Faction
- Now available in Game Master mode with randomized loadouts.
- Get-in/Get-out Refactor
- Separate actions for opening doors and entering/exiting vehicles.
- Cycle Waypoints
- Create cyclical patrol routes for AI soldiers.
- Linking Waypoints
- Assign AI to specific vehicles or objectives, enhancing scenario creation.
- Inventory Improvements
- The inventory system has been overhauled for better functionality and performance, with a complete UX/UI refresh.
Arma Reforger puts players in a genuine Cold War setting where they get to fight it out in the Conflict multiplayer game mode. They can also create their own scenarios in Game Master, which is a real-time editor where anything can happen.
Arma Reforger is available for the PC and the Xbox Series X/S.