The Night Agent season 2 marks the return of Netflix's popular action thriller. Peter Sutherland is now working for Night Action, a top-secret program tasked with uncovering corruption and treason within the government.
From his very first mission it quickly becomes clear that Peter doesn't know who he can trust, and so he must fight to uncover the truth. A truth that leads him down a dark path of intelligence leaks and highly dangerous situations.
Here's a recap of everything that happened in The Night Agent season 2 episode 2.
The second episode begins nine months earlier. Peter arrives in Bangkok, Thailand to meet with Catherine for the first time. She informs him of a leak in the CIA agency there and that the Night Action need to find out who and why. Catherine questions Peter’s ability to do field work and offers him the chance to go back to the FBI. He declines the offer and instead she introduces him to Alice, an existing Night Action agent who will be training him. Alice immediately says he needs to destroy the personal contacts on his phone and advises him not to keep contact with anyone now that he's a night agent, including Rose. He agrees.

Back to the present day, Rose and Peter are still running from the gunmen, of which more turn up in cars. As they race down alleyways, they manage to escape and get back to Peter’s apartment. Rose tells Peter about the man that called asking her about him. He tells her about the job that went wrong in Bangkok and that now, he can’t trust anyone. Though he trusts her he says it can’t be like last time and that he can’t protect her if she stays.
It cuts to the Iranian mission to the United Nations in New York. Here, we meet low-level aide, Noor (Arienne Mandi). She discusses with her coworker, Haleh, that the new head of security, Javad, seems interested in her.
The next morning, Rose uses her facial recognition technology from work to find Warren on the security cameras in the city. She gets a few results of him around, the most recent a traffic camera, showing he's in New York. Peter says he needs proof of the leak in Night Action from Warren before he can go to the President, especially if it’s Catherine that’s compromised. He reveals that Warren had fake passports made for him and his son, Ethan, and that Peter thinks he’s trying to leave the country with him. They see Ethan leaving for his basketball game, so they go together in case Warren turns up.

At the basketball game, as suspected Warren is there and he takes Ethan for a chat. As he’s trying to convince Ethan to leave with him, his step dad, Frank, comes to the locker room and sees him. Ethan gets his stuff and waits outside, even though Frank tries to get him back to his mom. Warren beats Frank up and Ethan sees. Meanwhile, Peter and Rose arrive and see the mom sitting alone. They head to the locker room and find Frank bleeding on the floor. Ethan’s mom comes to the locker room and Peter reveals he’s FBI and needs any information she can give him about Warren. She reveals he might go out to Long Island where there's an airfield and Peter remembers Warren's a pilot.
Elsewhere, Noor meets with an unknown man and hands over a file. He says what she's given him is worthless and she says it has details of Iran’s drone program, but he says it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before. She insists that he said the CIA would grant her and her family asylum in exchange for intelligence. He says he needs valuable information and she tells him she has one week to get her brother out of Iran before he's conscripted to war. She says the Iranian ambassador has been having secret meetings with an American and that it could mean a leak. He tells her to find proof.

Back at the game, the police have arrived and so does Catherine. The mom reveals she knows David, aka Peter. Meanwhile, Warren has taken Ethan to a private airport and is readying a plane. Rose interrupts him, pretending that her friend is in danger and needs help. As he's distracted, Peter comes in and they begin to fight. Peter finally manages to knock him out and handcuffs him. Ethan watches as Peter puts his dad in the back of his van. While Rose is worried about Peter, she says she’ll travel back to the city with Ethan, return him to his mom, and then fly back to California.
At the Iranian mission, Noor goes into the Iranian ambassador’s office at night and starts searching his desk. Head of security, Javad, walks in on her and she says she’s just cleaning up. They talk about home and he offers to walk her back to the residences.
Elsewhere, Catherine receives a call from Director Gedney and Deputy Director Mosley of the CIA and FBI respectively. Gedney informs her that they have news of an intelligence leak, referring to Noor’s rumor that she shared. They’re wondering if it’s Warren. Ethan reunites with his mom and Rose heads off, though she doesn’t notice that Catherine is following her. Back at the residences, Noor is video calling her mother and her brother, Farhad. She tells him she wants him to visit someday.

Peter has Warren locked up in his warehouse and turns the recording device on. He tells him his father used to sell state secrets, like Warren, and regretted it. He says he won’t torture or kill Warren, but if he won’t give him the information he wants, he’ll hand him over to the FBI and that they’ll change the narrative of his entire life so his son won’t ever know what really happened. Peter says if he tells him the truth, he’ll tell Ethan his father did the right thing in the end.
When asked about Bangkok, Warren says he was selling intel to a man called Arthur, but that it was an alias and he was only the middleman. Peter mentions the man in the suit that was there, the one who was in the back of the car and was handed the thumb drive. When asked about Night Action, Warren doesn’t know about it and says he was working alone.
Peter then asks what intel he was selling and he reveals it was about a covert military program run by the CIA and the file was all the details of its early development. He calls the program Foxglove and says it dealt with chemical weapons. But, as he tries to explain, Warren is shot in the head by a sniper. While Peter ducks out of sight, Warren’s phone rings, but Peter doesn’t know if he can get to it safely. Meanwhile, the gunmen from before are following Rose as she tries to leave the city. Peter takes the risk and reaches for the phone, managing to get to it and answering.
All episodes of The Night Agent are available to stream on Netflix now.