We’re crawling towards the end of 2024 but before we get there, we have one last hurdle: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius.
In fact, it’s the final Mercury Gatorade of the year and it’s going to be a bit of a doozy, so to help you weather the incoming shitstorm, I’ve armed each star sign with a forecast of what to expect and how to survive the chaos.
You are most welcome, and may the odds be ever in your favour…
When is Mercury Retrograde 2024?
The last Mercury Retrograde of the year will go from November 25 to December 15, so gird your loins!
What does Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius mean?
As Sagittarius is the sign of adventure, you’d better buckle up and brace yourselves for a bumpy ride!
But here’s the thing, we need to shift the narrative of Mercury Retrograde and stop viewing it as a scary, apocalyptic event and instead focus on what it’s going to teach us.
Remember, without adversity and hard times, we don’t grow and develop. So look at Mercury Retrograde as the key that unlocks the door to your future.
Speaking of shifting the narrative, this Mercury Retrograde wants you to start adopting a positive approach to life. When things go awry, try and find the good in those rough situations. Always be searching for the light in the dark.
Instead of being fixated on a certain outcome, allow yourself to go with the flow so you won’t be totally devastated when things don’t happen the way you want them to.
Trust in the divine timing of the universe!

Sagittarius Season coinciding with Mercury Retrograde means we’re in for a wild ride!
What does Mercury Retrograde 2024 mean for my star sign?
Here’s a breakdown for each star sign…
The sign of Sagittarius is all about having firm beliefs and values and sticking to your guns, always. Well, since Mercury Retrograde is occurring in this sign, you may find that your thoughts and feelings about some things have changed. You may even start to feel lost and confused. The advice here is to embrace change and to try not to be too rigid — the point of Mercury Retrograde is to grow and develop. Holding firm to outdated systems and habits will not serve you.
You’re gonna need to have some important convos with someone in your life and the problem is that Mercury is the communication planet so when it goes retrograde, our ability to express our thoughts and feelings will be stunted and you’ll second-guess your own mind. Don’t tackle these heavy talks on a whim — really think about what you’re going to say and explain your POV rather than just expecting them to jump on board with what you’re saying. Try seeing things from their perspective and ask them to see things from yours as well — a little empathy goes a long way!
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is all about unexpected revelations. For you, this will come in the form of a shift in the way that you see a certain someone. You’ll either start to develop feelings for someone you wouldn’t have ever expected to be into, or someone who you cherished will disappoint you and you’ll start to rethink your relationship with them. Mercury Retrograde brings disagreements galore! Just make sure you’ve really thought things through before making your move as Mercury Retrograde might be clouding your judgement.

Kris Jenner finding out about Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. (Credit: The Kardashians)
This Mercury Retrograde will bring cancellations, delays, and technology issues galore! It’ll really run you ragged but you mustn’t let it!! Whenever things get super stressful, rely on your preferred self-care and de-stress methods to help you survive whatever chaos you’re confronted with. Also, don’t allow yourself to carry other people’s baggage. You’ve got enough of your own to deal with, FFS!
The things that usually bring you pleasure and joy will start to lose their shine over the next few weeks thanks to Mercury Retrograde basically sucking the fun out of everything. However, consider the fact that perhaps you are outgrowing certain activities, beliefs, even people. Do some soul searching to consider what’s really going on and if you decide it’s time to move on, do so unapologetically. Ooh also, please make sure you dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s!
Over the next few weeks, you’re going to re-evaluate the building blocks that make up the foundation of your life. Your analytical eye will be peeping your friends, fam, career and living sitch. In times of great stress and confusion, tap into nostalgia to remind yourself why you built the life you currently have, including why you chose this career path and why certain people are in your life. In doing so, you may find the answers to all your problems.
There’s nothing Librans hate more than discord and tension, and unfortunately Mercury Retrograde will be bringing this energy into all our lives. Although you’ll insist you don’t, Librans actually care deeply about how you’re perceived — so being misunderstood will really grind your gears. To stop this from happening, triple check all texts and emails and make sure you’re expressing yourself properly.
Oop- looks like Mercury Retrograde is landing in your financial sector, which means your wallet is going to be impacted. Curses! Perhaps something will break and will need repairing or replacing or some other kind of misfortune will require you to fork out cash. Or maybe your birthday spending will catch up to you and you’ll find yourself unable to leave the house for fear of spending what lil cash you have leftover. Go ahead and enjoy some downtime to save money and also to heal your soul, especially since things are so chaotic out in the world RN.
Since Mercury Retrograde is hitting your sign, expect to be hugely impacted. Gah! But it’s not all bad… stay with me here. This cosmic event will help you shed your skin like a serpent and emerge as a shiny new being. You may even surprise yourself with the changes that occur over the next few weeks, from boundaries you’ll feel compelled to set, to people you will and won’t hang with, to other updates and edits you decide to make to your life.
I know you’re a mad workaholic, Capricorn, but Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is telling you to punch out for the day and look after yourself. Whether this is by having some serious downtime and R&R or heading out and having some lush festivities with your pals. Put work on the back burner and just have fun for once. Remember what that word means? Your soul is DYING for it!!!
Mercury Retrograde has a habit of bringing ghosts from our past back into our lives — whether this is people we thought we were done with, problems we thought we’d solved, and things of that nature. Given that it’s the last Mercury Retrograde of the year, it’s probably come back to haunt you now so you can deal with it once and for all and enter the new year without emotional baggage.
Mercury Retrograde will carry a fog of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and what’s worse is that you’ll feel like everyone is watching and waiting to see you fail. Do yourself a favour and remember who the fuck you are. Spoiler: you are a powerful, creative, empathetic, intelligent and highly loveable creature who has conquered the world many times before and can do so again. Anyone who tells you otherwise is dumb as shit and shouldn’t be listened to. The stars said so!
Best of luck with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, see yas in the new year!
Read your horoscope for December HERE.
Matt Galea is the Deputy Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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