Sir Geoff Hurst is right. More than half a century on we are still talking about that 1966 triumph and dreaming of the next one.
Geoff tells us today we may not have to dream much longer. He says the time could be now and the England squad has the skill and the talent to take the trophy.
But he tells us something else. That it is not just the desire to win and Gareth Southgate’s leadership that is driving our players on. It is because they know that if ever the nation needed a boost it is now.
Last week’s Autumn Statement left us in the doldrums as Jeremy Hunt raised taxes to their highest level since the Second World War. Wages are stagnating at a rate not seen since the 1820s. And we are entering the longest recession for 100 years. As if that was not enough prices are also soaring.

And if you are in Doha now you will not even be able to enjoy a beer at a game. World Cup sponsors Budweiser should change their famous slogan to: “This Bud’s NOT for you.”
So there is not a lot to be cheery about. But at least we have a fantastic team to cheer.
Which is why, whether in Qatar or watching at home or in the pub, we must shout our heads off for the Three Lions. They may be 3,200 miles away but they must hear us roar.
We should not forget Qatar’s dismal human rights record, nor that bizarre 54-minute rant yesterday by FIFA president Gianni Infantino who told western nations to apologise for 3,000 years of history.
But we doubt Italy will bow their heads in shame at the excesses of the Roman Empire. Or Spain say sorry for the Armada or France for poking an English king’s eye out in 1066.
Nor will the Three Lions be thinking of people we burned at the stake 500 years ago. What will be uppermost on their minds is football. For a few glorious weeks let’s keep that top of our minds, too.
And pray this time it’s coming home.
Stand by them
We have had three very different PMs in as many months but there is one thing this newspaper agrees with them all on.
And that is standing by Ukraine until Russian troops are finally driven out.
Vladimir Putin could save much time, heartache and bloodshed by withdrawing now but we are not holding our breath.

So we must continue supporting the Ukrainian people until victory is theirs. That was the message Rishi Sunak delivered in Kyiv yesterday on behalf of us all.
Backing Ukraine comes at a cost as that awful Autumn Statement showed.
But nothing like the price that Ukrainian men, women and children are paying to fight for freedom.