There's still some time before Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is launching worldwide. While waiting, players have the chance to check out what the game has to offer with a two-part demo. The first demo is finally here and invites everyone to experience the opening chapter.
The second playable section becomes available on February 21 with players getting to try out part of the game's expansive world. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is officially coming out this February 29 and to be available exclusively for the PlayStation 5. Get to access to the free demo here.
The Nibelheim Incident
The demo that's now available is titled as the "Fall of a Hero in Nibelheim" and features an extended flashback section. This one has Cloud Strife recalling an earlier mission during his career as a SOLDIER which was known as the "Nibelheim incident." The mission itself takes place five years before the game.
Players get to take control of the young version of Cloud Strife along with the legendary Sephiroth. These two SOLDIER heroes are investigating the sudden appearance of monsters in the mountains above Cloud's own hometown. However, as a dark truth starts to come to light, the course of their lives along with the fate of the planet is going to change forever.
A New Era
On February 21, the second part of the demo opens a new playable section that's titled as the "Dawn of a New Era in Junon." This special preview has been developed specifically for the demo. Players get to explore a small piece of the massive in-game world around the harbor town of Junon. Now the Junon area that's featured in this demo has been changed so that the content is more compact. This means though that progress won't be carried over to the full game. Even then it gives everyone the chance to experience new forms of exploration, new synergy attacks, and even the powerful character bonds which are expressed through thrilling combat.
By the way, players who do have save data from the demo get to receive the Kupo Charm and Survival Set in the full game. These players can also skip past sections covered in the "Fall of a Hero in Nibelheim" demo. They have to make sure though that their game has been fully updated to take enjoy these benefits.
Square Enix has also released the final trailer for the game which you can read more about here.
The first game of the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy project was Final Fantasy VII Remake, which was released in in 2020. That game has received praised by both players and critics around the world. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second game in the trilogy and features a standalone story.