Enshrouded has released what the developers are calling its "first big update," and along with a plethora of bug fixes, it brings a much-needed reduction to one of the game's grindiest grinds and nerfs an overpowered healing ability.
It's worth clarifying at the top that Enshrouded's first major update doesn't actually add any new content, but it does address a laundry list of issues players have reported since the game launched in Early Access last month. You can see the full list of changes here, but arguably the headlining change should dramatically reduce the amount of time you'll spend farming for tin bars.
"Lowered the cost for Tin Bars to align them better with similar recipes," reads a bolded line from the latest patch notes. It's unclear exactly how much ore it'll now cost to make tin bars, but the previous cost has been a common pain point in the community - to the point where many players have assumed the mechanic was simply bugged.
Developer Keen Games also nerfed down Water Aura because "It was just too good." It isn't clear from the patch notes exactly how severe the nerf was, but early reports from players suggest it's 75% less effective than before. While there's little disagreement that the heal was utterly broken before, not everyone's happy with how much it's been nerfed, although that's inevitable when something helpful becomes less helpful regardless of how unbalanced it was or wasn't.
The new Enshrouded update also reduces the timer that resets content to 30 minutes, with Keen Games clarifying, "the reset still only occurs while no player is in the direct vicinity of the part of the world that needs resetting." You'll also find the first magical storage chest becomes available at the blacksmith earlier than before when you're making your way through the crafting progression.
Keen Games recently said it wants to fix Enshrouded's controversial server-wide quest progression.