In this extremely silly vigilante revenge movie, Jason Statham plays a beekeeper, in the sense that he tends to hives and sells honey. He’s also a “Beekeeper”, a member of an elite clandestine organisation that enforces a unique brand of justice in instances where conventional law enforcement has failed. It’s not clear if the literal keeping of bees is part of the job requirements of the Beekeepers, but the commitments of apiculture would seem to be at odds with a job that entails lengthy murderous rampages across America.
In the bad guy corner, Josh Hutcherson is a billionaire brat whose company dupes pensioners out of their savings, while Jeremy Irons is a security expert whose main job is to deliver chunks of exposition. But it’s Statham’s movie – a brisk, slick, ultra-violent action onslaught that yet again demonstrates his ability to redeem just about any old tosh.