Climate activists, public sector workers, influencers, schools and a Hollywood actor have been included on a list of 100 people changing the face of Wales. The outgoing future generations commissioner, Sophie Howe, compiled the list to highlight the work of people making a positive difference to the nation.
The list, which is announced at a special event at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff, includes the like of Port Talbot actor Michael Sheen, Professor Laura McAllister, the Football Association of Wales' CEO Noel Mooney, as well as trans activist Zoey Allen. Ms Howe, who is set to leave her post at the end of January, wanted to highlight some of the changemakers from all over the country that work to create a "better Wales".
In a statement, she said: "Wales’ well-being legislation puts an obligation on public bodies to act outside of the status quo, but there are also thousands of people making positive change every day. For daily analysis on the big issues, sign up to the Wales Matters newsletter here.
Read more: Welsh politicians call for four-day working week pilot in Wales
"This event is about recognising just some of the people demonstrating what happens when we put well-being first, work together and consider the long-term implications of our actions, and highlights the need to support changemakers so that they can improve society for everyone.
"The Future Generations Changemaker 100 is merely a snapshot of Wales’ brilliant changemakers, and we want others to share the people who inspire them, and keep the momentum going for now and for future generations."
Here's the Future Generations Changemaker 100 list:
1. Ali Abdi
Community Gateway Partnership Manager, Citizens Cymru Wales and Cardiff University Community Gateway

Ali is a passionate community champion and activist. Through his work with Citizens Cymru Wales, he has empowered residents of Butetown, Grangetown and other surrounding areas of Cardiff to become active citizens and leaders. In his voluntary role with Race Council Cymru's National Ethnic Minority Youth Forum, he has brought together large groups of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic young people to engage with political leaders and Welsh Government.
2. Zoey Allen

Activist and Influencer
Zoey, a 'trans woman on a mission to educate' lists some of the reasons she works hard to increase the visibility of trans and queer people as being the "fight for equal and better health care, equal access to facilities, and to be treated like a human being while we’re out and about". The influencer was recently nominated for a National Diversity Award.
3. David Anderson
Director General, Amgueddfa Cymru
As Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales' Director General, David is said to be dedicated to ensuring that cultural well-being is at the heart of policymaking. He has spearheaded many pioneering projects including involving young people and communities in all aspects of the Museum’s Strategy 2030, and developing skills and creativity, one of their well-being objectives.
4. Zoe Antrobus and Dawn Lyle
Founders of 4theRegion
Dawn and Zoe are co-founders of 4theRegion, a diverse network making good things happen for south-west Wales. Dawn and Zoe connect people, run events, facilitate conversations and lead projects in areas such sustainable food, transport, circular economy, travel and tourism.
5. Rae Baker and Fen Turner
Senior People and Places Officers, Natural Resources Wales
Fen and Rae work for Natural Resources Wales (NRW) as representatives in Gwent and across Wales. They are enthusiastic champions of the Act and have been working in partnership with colleagues from across public sector organisations and beyond to bring the Act to life from an environmental perspective.
6. Frances Beecher

Chief Executive, Llamau
Frances is the amazing Chief Executive of Llamau, Wales’ leading young people and women’s homeless charity. Llamau works across Wales with over 10,000 disenfranchised and vulnerable young people and women a year. Frances has supported some of the most vulnerable people and worked tirelessly on issues including domestic abuse and homelessness.
7. Chris Blake
Founding Director of Green Valleys (Wales) and catalyst for Project Skyline
Chris is a champion of community land ownership and renewable energy projects. He started in Brecon with the Green Valleys and then introduced 'Project Skyline' to the Rhondda valleys, working in partnership with the community to refine a concept that connects local people to their landscape by providing jobs, training and health benefits.
8. Noreen Blanluet
Co-Founder, Co-production Network for Wales
Noreen is the Co-founder of the Co-production Network for Wales, an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to transform public services through co-production and citizen involvement. Noreen is said to be an all round champion of embedding co-production principles, such as involving people in decisions that affect them, in public policy and the statutory and voluntary sectors.
9. Sarah Bowles and Hywel Wolf
South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC)
Hywel and Sarah, who are from Costain and Sharp services respectively, are key drivers in the South Wales Industrial Cluster. This is a Decarbonisation Challenge deployment project with a range of partner organisations from the industrial, energy, law, academic, public utilities, and academic sectors, working across south Wales to reduce emissions but without sacrificing the jobs which are so important to the area.
10. Sian Brierley
Activity Co-ordinator, National Exercise Referral Scheme, Wrexham County Borough Council and Public Health Wales
Sian is part of the All-Wales Exercise Referral Scheme, the only national exercise programme in the UK. Through her role, based in a team within Wrexham County Borough Council, she provides behaviour change techniques and activities to support referred clients to make lifestyle changes to improve their health and well-being.
11. Shea Buckland-Jones and Jess McQuade
Food, Land Use and Nature Policy Manager and Head of Policy and Advocacy, WWF Cymru
Shea has held two important roles, firstly at the Institute of Welsh Affairs leading on the 'Re energising' Wales project and more recently as Food, Land Use and Nature Policy Manager at WWF Cymru. A true champion of nature, Jess has always offered constructive challenge to my work and other organisations as Head of Policy and Advocacy at WWF Cymru. Away from the office, she has also dedicated her time to community level projects.
12. James Byrne and Rachel Sharp
Director & Landscape Recovery and Programmes Manager, Wildlife Trusts Wales
James is an Irishman adopted by Wales, known for his commitment to protecting and restoring nature in Wales, including defending the nationally important biodiversity of the Gwent levels from destruction. Both have been early champions of showing how nature can deliver against many of Wales' well-being goals.
Rachel, has been the director of the Wildlife Trusts Wales since 2011 and she has tirelessly campaigned to invoke action to address the nature crisis in Wales. This work focuses on implementing a resilient Wales by protecting designated sites and endangered species.
13. Paul Matthews and Hazel Clatworthy
Chief Executive and Sustainability Policy Officer, Monmouthshire County Council
Paul, an inspirational and progressive chief executive, is pivotal in numerous sustainable development networks. Hazel drives environmental well-being projects in her sustainability policy role and with the Sustainable Development Co-ordinators Cymru + Monmouthshire, which led the collaborative 'Infuse: Innovative Future Services' programme, was the first local authority in Wales to agree to a Motion for the Rivers and Ocean.
14. Mark Cadwallader
Director for Strategy and Development, University of South Wales
As Director for Strategy and Development at University of South Wales, Mark has always explored new ways to innovate and to build partnerships. Mark was one of the first people to believe in the vision of the Future Generations Leadership Academy, and eagerly put the University forward as a partner. He continues to champion sustainable development within the higher education sector and beyond.
15. Andrew Charles, Stuart Ingram, Andy Rees & David Warren
Welsh Government
Andrew Charles worked on the development of the Well-being of Future Generations legislation from the start and is now central to embedding and driving it through Government strategy and policy. Stuart has been key in the recast of Planning Policy Wales, helping to ensure that the way we plan our places in Wales is fit for future generations.
Andy Rees leads the waste strategy team, who for a long-time have been living and breathing the Act in everything they do. David is ensuring that the Well-being of Future Generations Act is a key driver in building strong international relations, and in particular identifying in new partnerships and opportunities for a globally responsible Wales.
16. Criccieth Town Council
The town council in Gwynedd has been responsible for many activities to improve the area and increase footfall. It developed an ambitious community plan, which included cultural activity, place-making and well-being. Inspired by a poem written 90 years ago about a mysterious, fictional incident on the seashore, a public sculpture, new music and poetry were commissioned. Activities included community events, an artistic town map and heritage interpretation panels.
17. The Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog Team
The team at Cwmni Bro Ffestiniog are responsible for facilitating cooperation between community businesses and enterprises that employ some 150 people locally. They offer permanent employment and provide career opportunities for professional workers who wish to stay in their community, where there is a tradition of environmental, economic, social, cultural and community enterprise.
18. Amanda Davies
Service Improvement Manager, Swansea Bay University Health Board
Amanda developed the Bed Poverty Relief Scheme at Swansea Bay University Health Board, a highly innovative initiative that has improved the lives of many. The project has supplied thousands of surplus emergency beds from the Covid-19 pandemic to homes where people were experiencing bed poverty. Beds were also donated to a children's hospital and refugee camps in Moldova for Ukrainian people fleeing the war.
19. Kelly Davies and Mandy Powell
Founders, The Good Wash Company
Kelly and Mandy set up the Good Wash Company, a certified social enterprise that consistently strives to make a difference. Told that creating a high-end, luxury brand with a social conscience would never work, Mandy and Kelly have proved that to be wrong, and are helping to change the world "one wash at a time". All sales and fundraising profits from their soaps and other bathing products go to good causes, and social impact is at the heart of everything they do.
20. Meleri Davies and the Partneriaeth Ogwen Team

Chief Officer of Partneriaeth Ogwen
Meleri and team develop community, economic and environmental regeneration projects that promote a healthy, vibrant and sustainable community. Its projects include the highly acclaimed Ynni Ogwen community hydro scheme and Dyffryn Gwyrdd, a project based in the Ogwen Valley focusing on sustainability and the environment, while addressing mental well-being, poverty, and rural isolation.
21. Councillors Dan De'Ath and Caro Wild
Cabinet Leads, Cardiff Council
Dan, as Cabinet Member for Transport and Strategic Planning (and Cardiff's first Black Lord Mayor), has continued Caro's pioneering work and also championed engaging more people with democracy. They are fantastic role models for how to develop a city in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Caro is a passionate advocate for active travel, leading our capital's efforts to reduce car use and increase walking and cycling. He has led the council to some brave decisions and ambitious commitments to sustainable travel.
22. Sarah Dickens
Economics Correspondent, BBC Wales
A longstanding and experienced BBC journalist, Sarah became the first to be appointed as Economics correspondent. She has been reporting on the economy in the context of the climate emergency and has been part of the BBC Wales' cost of living team.
23. The whole Team at Down to Earth
Down to Earth have pioneered building sustainably whilst up-skilling young and vulnerable people. A great example of collaboration, they are working with health boards and others to upscale their approach. Their amazing team of architects, youth workers, facilitators, timber framers and adventure leaders build to high environmental standards while building people's confidence.
24. Dr Tom Downs, Dr Stacey Harris and Dr Yasmina Hamdaoui
Junior Doctor, Paediatrician, and Pharmacist, Ysbyty Gwynedd Green Health Alliance
Dr Tom Downs, Dr Stacey Harris and Yasmina Hamdaoui led a multi-disciplinary team from Ysbyty Gwynedd to form a Green Group, seeking to relocate their oath to 'do no harm' within the context of planetary health. They have challenged the healthcare system to reduce its own waste and emissions, bringing more than 80 others on board with their mission to save the planet as well as patients.
25. Jessica Dunrod
Author, Director, Decolonisation Specialist

Jessica, Wales' first Black children's author, is challenging the literary system to ensure Black authors are supported and that children can access a range of books representing the rich cultural heritage of people of colour in Wales.
26. Suzanne Duval
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Mental Health and Dementia Manager, Diverse Cymru
Suzanne is hugely committed to supporting Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people facing inequality and discrimination due to age, gender, and disability, using her own lived experience to drive change. She works with Welsh Government and public services and helped shape the Welsh Government's Anti-racist Action Plan by highlighting the importance of understanding mental health to avoid discriminatory practices.
27. Taylor Edmonds
Taylor, who is from Barry, has used poetry to humanise topics of climate change in her role as the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales’ Poet in Residence 2021-2022. She worked with communities across Wales to ensure the rallying cry to protect future generations continues to be heard loudly - on poems like My Magnolia Tree, an example of how poetry can incite meaningful change.
28. Samantha Egelstaff
Co-founder, Llanrwst Flood Action Group
Samantha, a teacher and campaigner, co-founded Llanrwst Flood Action Group in the wake of Storm Ciara in 2020. During this major flooding event she co-ordinated community members into teams, including volunteer flood wardens, sandbag provision, community clean-up, donation distribution, warm space and hot food provision and advised on temporary accommodation and repair.
29. Mr Evans and the staff and pupils at Ysgol Bro Banw, Rhydaman
Led by Headteacher Peter Evans, Ysgol Bro Banw is tackling food poverty by joining the 'Big Bocs Bwyd' scheme which helps the children become food literate by growing, cooking and learning about food. They use waste food from their school garden to create new recipes and they're learning business skills by opening a shop supplying low-cost healthy food for the community.
30. Ruth Fabby MBE
Ruth works tirelessly so that everyone can participate in the arts in Wales and that disabled and deaf people are pivotal to the creative industries. For three years, Ruth worked as Artistic Director at Disability Arts Cymru and championed the importance of disabled people's rights as human rights and articulates the links between art and social change.
31. Graeme Farrow and the WMC Team

Artistic Director, Wales Millennium Centre
Graeme has been a long term champion for the role that arts and culture can play in wider well-being, leading the Wales Millennium Centre to focus their work on supporting and developing young people. He is a real future generations leader in his field and is supported by an amazing team of staff.
32. Catherine Fookes
Director, WEN Wales
Cath is the Director of the Women's Equality Network (WEN), a County Councillor for Monmouthshire and Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement. In her role at WEN she has launched a mentoring scheme supporting women to move into leadership positions and prior to that, she was a campaigner on the environment at Sustain, the Alliance for Better Food and Farming and Action Aid.
33. Professor Debbie Foster
Professor of Employment Relations and Diversity, Cardiff Buisiness School, Cardiff University
Debbie is the author of the Locked-Out report, the Co-chair of the Disability Rights Taskforce and the Chair of two of its working groups, ‘Embedding and Understanding the Social Model of Disability’ and ‘Employment and Income’. A disabled person herself, she has been instrumental in implementing the work of the taskforce and in its success.
34. Emyr George and Qualified for the Future Team
Director of Qualifications Policy and Reform, Qualifications Wales
Emyr and the team behind Qualified for the Future have pushed to reform GCSEs and qualifications in line with our changing economy and the new curriculum. The Act has been applied every step of the way, ensuring an outcome that is fit for future generations.
35. Helen Goddard
Section Head of Culture, Libraries and Information, Conwy County Borough Council
Helen is dedicated to ensuring cultural well-being is reflected in the Conwy County Borough Council's approach and decisions. She has demonstrated the importance of celebrating heritage and culture when putting in place measures to reduce regional inequalities, including isolation and deprivation.
36. Dafydd Gruffydd
Managing Director, Menter Môn
Dafydd has worked for Mentor Môn for 25 years, which first started life as a European-funded rural development agency taking an integrated and cross-sector approach, long before the Well-being of Future Generations Act was introduced. Dafydd has driven projects focusing on culture and language, farming, supporting the vulnerable, and more recently has been part of the team that has developed the 'Morlais', tidal energy project located off the coast of Holyhead.
37. Julie-Ann Haines
Chief Executive Officer, Principality Building Society
The first female to lead Wales' Principality Building Society as CEO, Julie-Ann has committed the Principality to delivering net zero and to be a forerunner in the private sector in reporting against the Welsh well-being goals.
38. Becky Harford, Jane Booty and Ella Smillie
Co-founders and Directors, Benthyg Cymru
Becky, Ella and Jane are co-founders and directors of Benthyg Cymru - Wales' fast growing library of things, bringing people together to share and borrow household items, saving waste and reducing carbon emissions. Since setting up the first Library of Things in Cardiff, they have established a Wales-wide borrowing network of fifteen projects.
39. Natalie Hodgkinson
Founder, Boss & Brew Academy
Natalie, a former maths tutor, is using coffee to tackle unemployment in Cardiff. Boss & Brew Academy was founded in lockdown in 2021 and has since offered free barista training and employability programmes to young people primarily in Butetown and Grangetown where she grew up, to help them gain skills and confidence to create pathways to success.
40. Helen Howson
Director, Bevan Commission
Director of the Bevan Commission, Helen has been a tireless advocate and practical implementer of reform in health and care policy and practice in Wales. Helen initiated and led the Bevan Innovators through the Commission which has established hundreds of innovators working across the healthcare system, all aiming to reform it in line with the aspirations of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
41. Christine Hughes
Centre Manager, Felin Fach Pwllheli Community Hub
Christine has dedicated 30 years to Canolfan Felin Fach, I-CAN community hub, a place which aims to provide a safe haven in Pwllheli for the most vulnerable members of the community. The centre helps with anything that causes worry or can lead to a crisis; mental health and well being, finances, housing, homelessness and job seeking. She is a valued member of the Hub and wider community.
42. Bill Hunt
Vice Chair of the Cartrefi Conwy Board and Chair of the Tenant Services Board, Cartrefi Conwy
A resident of Rhos-on-Sea, Bill is Vice Chair of Cartrefi Conwy's Tenant Services Board and future generations champion. Bill has been a tenant voice on a number of the Association's regeneration projects, which embody our well-being goals.
43. Hanan Issa
Poet and Writer, Cardiff

The Welsh-Iraqi writer is the current National Poet of Wales and Hay Festival’s International Fellow. In an essay, Have You Heard About the Niqabi on a Bus?, for Welsh Plural, an anthology on the future of Wales, Hanan explores Welshness and ends describing the honouring of trees in Islam: "We are encouraged to plant seeds even if facing the end of the world. The command … suggests to me that putting your hands in the soil and connecting with the land … steadies you in a time of crisis."
44. Mrs James and the staff and pupils at Radnor Primary School, Cardiff
Led by Headteacher Mrs James and class teachers Kane Morgan and Eoghan Walsh, pupils, teachers and parents have committed to regular active travel to school to benefit future generations of schoolchildren. By promoting walking, cycling and scooting in the surrounding streets, the school is helping reduce congestion and pollution in the local area as well as improving the health and well being of everyone taking part.
45. Dr Salamatu Jidda-Fada
Founder and Director, North Wales Africa Society
Based in Bangor, Salamatu works as a conservation consultant in promoting a greener Wales and is active in promoting environmental awareness amongst ethnic minority communities and the wider Welsh society. She founded the North Wales Africa Society to support Africans living in north Wales to access services for housing, transport, healthcare, education for ethnic minority children, students and professionals.
46. Professor Calvin Jones
Professor of Economics, Cardiff University
Professor Calvin Jones is a talented economist who is not afraid to challenge the economic status quo. He has been instrumental in establishing Cardiff University Business School as the UK's first Social Value Business School, is central to making the case for the reform of our exams system and in mapping Wales' carbon emissions.
47. Simone Joslyn
Head of Arts, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and the Cardiff and Vale Health Charity
Simone is Head of Arts for the Health and Well-being programme at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board with the support of the Cardiff and Vale Charity. Her team have created places holistically with well being in mind; Our Health Meadow - Ein Dôl Iechyd improves the health of patients, staff, volunteers and community groups to enhance biodiversity and eco-literacy.
48. Dan Langford OBE
Founder and Chair, Wales Week London and Wales Week Worldwide
Dan is a future generations advocate in the business community in Wales and internationally. Focused on promoting Wales in the UK through Wales Week in London and globally via the wider Wales Week Programme and engaging with Welsh diaspora, Dan has provided a platform to promote the Act and develop international interest and enthusiasm.
49. Michelle Lesch
Company Secretary, Ogi
Based in Cardiff, Michelle is Company Secretary at one of Wales' fastest growing companies, which is on a mission to transform South Wales with large-scale full fibre broadband connectivity. Michelle is leading Ogi's efforts to integrate the Well-being of Future Generations Act across its core business.
50. Marten Lewis
Head of Corporate Responsibility, Bluestone National Park Resort
With over 15 years' third sector experience engaging over 35,000 young people and families in environmental and community action in Pembrokeshire, Marten has led the development of Bluestone's sustainability agenda since 2019. He's aligned the business to the Well being of Future Generations Act's goals and led the reduction of scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 90%, increased waste reduction and recycling, and moved Bluestone to a circular economy operating model.
51. Phil Lewis
Valleys Regional Park Programme Lead, Valleys Regional Park (hosted by Bridgend Council)
Phil's energy and drive in his role at Welsh Government were instrumental in helping set up the Valleys Regional Park in South Wales. The park champions the iconic landscape and people of the South Wales Valleys and works with partners to maximise the environment, social and economic benefits for local communities and future generations.
52. Dr David Llewellyn
Integrated Wellbeing Networks Lead, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
David has led and championed this vision through a number of roles, including currently at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. He has vast experience working with communities and their assets to achieve transformational, sustainable change. He was one of the key people behind the original concept of a Valleys Regional Park back in 2009, before the Well-being of Future Generations Act was introduced.
53. Ena Lloyd
Ex Audit Wales
Ena led work at the Audit Wales Good Practice Exchange (GPX) when the Act was being imagined and during its early days of implementation. Continually striving to challenge the status quo within public bodies, GPX events, resources and support took people out of their comfort zones and promoted the Act far and wide.
54. Pedr ap Llwyd
Chief Executive and Librarian, National Library Wales
As Chief Executive and Librarian of the National Library Wales in Aberystwyth, Pedr is a big believer in embedding sustainable development at the core of the library's actions. One of Pedr's first acts as CEO in 2019, was to re-frame and re-submit a large funding bid that had already been approved, to make the project more environmentally conscious by removing a large storage building needing carbon heavy refrigeration, in favour of digital storage.
55. Helen Lucocq
Head of Policy, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
Based in Brecon, Helen was the ideas-person and driving force behind Brecon Beacons National Park Authority adopting the doughnut model as a way of making decisions. She also developed the approach the park authority are taking to its emerging Local Development Plan, which aims to create '20-minute neighbourhoods'.
56. Wanjiku Ngotho Mbugua
Acting Chief Executive Officer, BAWSO Cymru
BAWSO supports people from Black and Ethnic backgrounds who are affected by domestic abuse, violence, and exploitation in Wales including female genital mutilation, forced marriage, prostitution and human trafficking. Wanjiku leads the organisation which currently runs 25 projects supporting over 4,000 people every year in Wales.
57. Professor Laura McAllister
Professor of Public Policy and the Governance of Wales, Cardiff University

Laura's leadership in multiple fields, from equality, politics, academia and sport is a shining example of how we can live and breathe the Well-being of Future Generations Act. Laura also initiated strong partnerships with the Future Generations Commissioner's office over several years, ensuring students have opportunities to work directly on sustainability projects.
58. Dan McCallum and Emily Hinshelwood
Manager and Creative Director, Awel Aman Tawe and Egni Co-op
Deep in the former coal valleys of South Wales are Awel Aman Tawe (AAT) and Egni Co-op, two community energy projects co-founded by Dan McCallum and Emily Hinshelwood. Dan and Emily have been energy warriors in these parts since 1998.
59. Heather McClure, Chris Woodfield and Chris Byrne
Co-founders and Directors, Aber Food Surplus
Aber Food Surplus want to change the way we think about food. The three founders believe food is precious and that wasting it is bad for our pockets and bad for our planet. They take surplus food from major supermarkets and redistribute it to the community.
60. Noel Mooney and FAW Team
Chief Executive, Football Association of Wales
Noel instinctively makes the connections between the nation's passion for football and opportunities to enhance well-being. He and his team at the Association have developed their first sustainability and well-being strategy ‘Cymru, Well-being and the World' with an ambitious aim of becoming the most sustainable football association in the world, and with a clear plan of action to develop sustainable and stronger clubs, leagues and initiatives across the whole of Wales in order to achieve this.
61. Edward Morgan
Group Corporate Social Responsibility and Training Manager, Castell Howell Foods
Edward has been employed by Castell Howell since 2001 and leads on the corporate social responsibility for the group's seven food manufacturing units and six distribution depots. He has helped to ensure that the company takes its commitment to the Well-being of Future Generations Act seriously, championing local producers, reducing waste and working on an ambitious net zero action plan.
62. Yvonne Murphy and The Democracy Box co-creators
Executive Producer and Artistic Director (& creator of The Democracy Box and The Talking Shop projects), Omidaze Productions
Yvonne and the young co-creators at The Democracy Box are creating a movement for change, raising awareness in Wales about our democracy and how to get involved. By putting young people at the heart of this movement Yvonne has opened doors and made it accessible, telling the story of our democracy in a way that people can engage with.
63. Professor Kelechi Nnoaham

Whilst at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Kelechi helped to shake up the status quo and bring about change. His unique view on public health policy, his recognition of inequalities and the interconnectedness of well-being is inspirational. He is committed to a fairer system of global health where everyone can access good quality healthcare.
64. Chris Nott OBE
Founder, Capital Law
A leading Welsh lawyer, founder of Capital Law and a long-standing advisor to the Welsh Government, most recently as Vice Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Board on the Economy, Chris has been a leading business voice for applying a well-being test to economic policy in Wales. He received an OBE in 2017.
65. Claire O'Shea
Head of Partnership, Hub Cymru Africa
Claire has been a long-term champion for international solidarity, social justice and global responsibility in Wales. In her current role at Hub Cymru Africa, she is a strong leader for partnership working and engaging the public in being a caring nation.
66. Alfred Oyekoya
Director, BAME Mental Health Support
Based in Swansea, Alfred works with public bodies to highlight the mental health challenges specific to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities. Leveraging his lived experience and grassroot connections with community members, he is well-equipped to work closely with the NHS and Public Health Wales to increase awareness of the cultural aspects of mental health.
67. Peter Perry
Chief Executive Officer, Dŵr Cymru
As the Chief Executive of Dŵr Cymru, Peter has brought a clear vision to the work of Wales' main utility provider. The Well-being of Future Generations Act is front and centre of his 2050 corporate vision; well-being commitments are reported on each year and the Act's ways of working are a key part of how Dŵr Cymru now go about things.
68. Dr Tom Porter
Consultant in Public Health Wales and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Tom is a public health specialist working in transport and helping to bring about modal shift in Wales' capital city. He introduced the Healthy Travel Charter concept and has been instrumental in some of the major changes to active travel in the capital.
69. Dr Eurgain Powell
One of Wales's longest serving sustainability gurus, Eurgain started off in the Welsh Local Government Association and sustainability think-tank Forum for the Future. She moved to Carmarthenshire County Council to drive forward sustainability policy and practice, and then to the Climate Change Commission for Wales.
70. Rob Poyer
Director, NappiCycle
Rob is the founder of NappiCycle, which processes 800,000 nappies every week, diverting 100% of the waste from these from landfill. Their treatment system recovers cellulose and plastics from nappy and incontinence waste which can be turned into commercial products like fibre boards, acoustic panelling and even road resurfacing material.
71. Ian Price
Director, CBI Cymru
Ian brings a socially conscious perspective to the work of the CBI, working constructively in partnership with anyone who can help make Wales a better place. He is a strong advocate for helping young people develop future focused skills to build a strong low carbon economy in Wales.
72. Wyn Prichard
Senior Consultant
Based in Neath, and with over 25 years in the learning environment, Wyn is a champion for green and sustainability skills, recognising the connections between the transition to net zero and the opportunities for young people.
73. Natalie Rees
Head of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Transport for Wales
Natalie is responsible for embedding the Well-being of Future Generations Act into the operations of Transport for Wales. She has worked on a range of progressive projects including the award-winning circular economy approach to furnishing the Transport for Wales headquarters, supporting her team to deliver the Heritage Lottery funded Green Routes and Coed Cymunedol projects which have achieved multiple social and environmental outcomes for communities and habitats across Wales.
74. Reverend Gethin Rhys
Policy Officer, Cytun
Gethin has championed the need to ensure that the Well-being of Future Generations Act is central to many social and political aspects of policy. He has often advised my team on how public bodies and others can consider faith and religion, including the relationship between these and other policy areas such as climate change and education.
75. Chris Roberts
Co-Founder, North Wales Dragons Community Football
Chris is one of the founders of the award-winning North Wales Dragons recreational community football team; players with a social conscience helping to make a difference by playing for purpose.
76. Emily Roberts
The YouTuber, comic, presenter and disability advocate uses her social media platforms, including How Emily videos to challenge stereotypes and raise awareness of disability issues.
77. Neville Rookes and Richard Dooner
Policy Officer Environment and Programme Manager and Welsh Local Government Association
Neville has led the work of Welsh Local Government Association on the creation of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, supporting the early adopters scheme and explaining the Act to many. Richard has championed the role procurement can play in delivering outcomes that improve well-being and has worked closely with members of my team on my Section 20 Review into procurement in public bodies.
78. Nina Ruddle
Head of Public Policy Engagement, Wrexham Glyndŵr University and North Wales Insight and Research Partnership
Nina is an inspiring example and advocate for systems leadership in Wales. She leads the Civic Mission at Glyndŵr University and has convened and galvanised others across the north of the country.
79. Michael Sheen

Aside from being one of Wales' most passionate and vocal ambassadors, Michael is a true future generations champion. He helps amplify the voices of those on the margins of society and from disadvantaged backgrounds.
80. Show Racism the Red Card Wales
Show Racism the Red Card Wales delivers anti-racism workshops to approximately 20,000 young people and adults per year. The team visits primary schools, comprehensive schools, pupil referral units, colleges, universities and workplaces to promote awareness of racism within society including within football and other sports, break down ideology of stereotypes, explore how to challenge and eliminate racism, promote diversity and inclusion within communities and provide people with the skills and knowledge of how to become an anti-racist.
81. Lleucu Siencyn
Director, Arts Development, Arts Council of Wales
As Literature Wales' CEO for many years, Lleucu embraced the Well-being of Future Generations Act by embedding it into the organisational strategy and championing the seven well-being goals within literature. She worked with the Future Generations Commissioner to establish their Poet in Residence which has resulted in us reaching wider audiences.
82. Dr Lynn Sloman MBE
Director, Transport for Quality of Life
As Chair of the Welsh Government's independent Roads Review Panel, Lynn's work has been transformative in doggedly applying the Well-being of Future Generations Act to transport planning. The Government commissioned review is a brave and determined effort to ensure modal shift in how we travel around Wales.
83. Jeff and Chloe Smith
Founders, Bigmoose
Jeff and Chloe are the founders of Bigmoose, a charity and coffee shop whose motto is "leaving the world better than we found it" with a specific focus on mental health, homelessness and prevention of suicide. The money raised provides life-saving interventions and quick, effective therapy which they believe truly saves people's lives.
84. Mymuna Soleman
Founder, The Privilege Cafe
Mymuna is an influential changemaker for race equality in Wales, challenging civil society to do more to tackle racism. In 2020 she established the Privilege Cafe, bringing together hundreds of people for weekly online sessions exploring a wide range of race related topics.
85. Ionwen Spowage and the staff and pupils at Ysgol Bro Dinefwr, Llandeilo

Led by Headteacher Ionwen Spowage, Ysgol Bro Dinefwr is a rural secondary school growing its own vegetables. They work with local chefs to make canteen food locally-sourced and sustainable.
86. Wil Stewart
Warden, Isle of Anglesey County Council
Wil is part of the Council's Countryside and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Service. He leads walks prescribed by the health services in North Wales in Breakwater Country Park, Holyhead. This natural therapy aims to give people the emotional, mental and physical benefits of connecting with nature to improve their health.
87. Shavanah Taj
General Secretary, Wales TUC
Shavanah is a passionate trade unionist and the first Asian woman to hold the post of General Secretary of Wales TUC. She's been leading the charge for fair and equitable work, and also making the connections between what unions can do collectively to bargain for green jobs and greener workplaces.
88. Beth Thomas
Head of Programme Operations, The Big Issue Group
Beth is a champion for social justice working with marginalised people across the UK and is a member of the Wales Committee at the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. Amongst other things, Beth was instrumental in setting up cashless payments for the Big Issue sellers and has worked intensively to help them and others to secure a better future.
89. Sharon Thomas
Director, Ceredigion Recycling and Furniture Team (CRAFT)
With the motto "Caring today for the world of tomorrow" Sharon at CRAFT finds treasures amongst the trash. This social enterprise has been part of Aberystwyth's community for over 20 years. Their sole purpose is to reuse domestic items which would otherwise have been thrown away and to find them a new home.
90. Ian Titherington
Senior Advisor, Sustainable Drainage, Cardiff Council
Ian, a leading light in showcasing what can be achieved through Wales' Sustainable Urban Drainage Regulations, led the award-winning Greener Grangetown project and has played a huge part in greening urban communities in the capital.
91. Together Creating Communities
Together Creating Communities are the UK's oldest community organising charity - they are an alliance of faith organisations, community groups and schools from north west Wales. They tackle social injustice by supporting diverse communities to gain the power they need to enact change.
92. Dafydd Trystan
Dafydd has been passionate about active travel for decades and as Chair of Welsh Government's Active Travel Board, he has motivated others to work together to bring about change. His leadership and expertise ensure that the future generations agenda within the transport portfolio is manifested across all policy areas including education, health and planning.
93. Susie Ventris-Field, Hayley Richards and Hannah Harvey
Chief Executive and joint Heads of Programme Development and Policy, Wales Centre for International Affairs
The team at the Welsh Centre for International Affairs has worked tirelessly to embed action and understanding of global citizenship across all sectors in Wales, through projects, partnerships and campaigns. Susie, Hannah and Hayley are brave and innovative, always ready to speak truth to power.
94. Lee Waters MS, Delyth Jewell MS, Jack Sargeant MS, Jane Dodds MS & Peter Fox MS

Ms Howe writes that Lee, Delyth, Peter, Jack and Jane have all been champions of bold ideas and progressive thinking to benefit current and future generations. Whether pausing spending on road building, the climate emergency, our food system, public involvement, free transport for young people or a shorter working week and universal basic income, these MSs are at the forefront of bringing about real change in Wales.
95. Jonathan Williams
Co-founder of UBI Lab Wales
A lawyer and leading light in the movement to adopt a Universal Basic Income in Wales, Jonathan has been instrumental in the development of UBI labs across Wales and in securing Wales' first basic income trial.
96. Alwen Williams
Portfolio Director, Ambition North Wales
Alwen was key to establishing my first partnership with business during her time at BT. Since then, she has gone on to frame the work of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board around the aspirations of the Well-being of Future Generations Act including a focus on environment, education and transport.
97. Dr Roisin Willmott OBE
Director of Wales and Northern Ireland, Royal Town Planning Institute
A champion for change in the planning system, Roisin has been instrumental in reforming planning policy in Wales in line with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and in raising the profile of planning as a lever to deliver Wales' well-being goals. She has collaborated with my team on planning reform and to promote place planning as an approach.
98. Wrexham Well-being Hub
Wrexham Well-being Hub is a collaboration between Wrexham County Borough Council, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW). It offers community, health, social care and third sector activities and services all in one place.
99. Indo Zwingina
An estimated 245,000 properties in Wales are at risk of flooding - a result of climate change caused by rising carbon emissions. Indo Zwingina takes part in community activities set up in response to floods that have caused terrible damage to her hometown, Treforest, including growing vegetables on flooded land.
100. Future Generations Leadership Academy Alumni
A cohort of 50 brilliant young leaders who have graduated from the FutureGenerations Leadership Academy - they are ambassadors for the Well-being ofFuture Generations Act in their organisations, sectors and communities.
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