February is a bad month to be a wallet. You’ve got the triple whammy of Christmas, New Year’s Eve celebrations, and the end of year/new year break chock full of general summertime fun all sucking that sweet life essence out of your debit and credit cards.
Yes, ’tis a real shame that things cost money. A broken system, some would say. Anywho, gather round ye rapscallions for I have some lovely news for which to fill your wonderful ear holes. Your finances could improve somewhat right now. Yes, right now.
Simply tell us in 25 words or less what your ideal university experience would be, and kablamo, you’re in the running for a $300 Westfield voucher.
Whatever your heart desires, just tell us your thoughts below, and cross those lovely fingers of yours. Easy, right? Sweet, now hit the button below to get cracking to win that voucher. I believe in you. Yes, you specifically.
May the odds be forever in your favour.
Full terms and conditions can be found here.
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