NGO Pratham Education Foundation will conduct its Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2023, ‘Beyond Basics’, in Perambalur district of Tamil Nadu.
A total of 45 B.Ed students of the Christian College of Education will be trained from September 19 to 22 to conduct the survey in 60 sampled villages in the district. The students will go for a field pilot of the survey, on September 21, 2023, which will focus on the country’s youth, aged 14 to 18 years.
The survey aims to find out the current activities and aspirations of teenagers. The trained students will ask specific questions such as what the teenagers can do in terms of applied reading and maths, and analyse whether they are equipped with digital skills to support their future.
The survey aims to keep the domains of activity and ability as close as possible to ASER 2017. The survey also aims to provide comparable estimates, give a glimpse of how these have changed for the country’s youth in the six-year period, that includes the COVID-19 pandemic period.
A sample-based household survey is also being conducted in one or two districts in each state in the country between September and November. The report will be released in January 2024, a press release stated.