TWO BOYS are before the court accused of approaching a walker from behind on a stolen motorbike and trying to grab her handbag at Lake Macquarie.
Police launched an investigation after they were told a rider and pillion passenger attempted to rob a 69-year-old woman on a walkway at Redhead just before 4pm on February 26.
Police have alleged in court that the woman was on Owens Walkway when a motorcycle rode up behind her and the pillion passenger grabbed hold of the woman's bag and tried to pull it from her grip.
The woman clung onto the bag and the two boys fled epmty-handed, according to police.
The motorbike was allegedly stolen from a Newcastle address the day before, and police claim it had been ridden by the pair several times.
Extensive investigations by Lake Macquarie police led officers to home in on two boys aged 13 and 14.
They were arrested and charged for their alleged roles.
The younger boy faces two counts of driving a vehicle taken without consent, robbery in company, and driving recklessly or furiously in a speed or manner that was dangerous.
The older boy was charged with robbery in company, being carried in a vehicle taken without consent, and being a motorbike passenger without a fitted helmet.
Both teenagers were granted strict conditional bail in a children's court after their arrest and will face court again later this month.