Once you've learned what a "sour yell" sounds like, our Ted Lasso season 3 episode 2 recap will make more sense. But don't expect any run of the mill play-by-play below. Yes, we're going to break down all of the events of the episode that just dropped on Apple TV Plus. Don't worry about that.
Instead of a top-to-bottom recap, we're focusing on the five biggest themes and stories of the week. And it's a big one. Not only does the Roy (Brett Goldstein) and Keeley (Juno Temple) breakup from last week continue to ripple around Richmond, but Ted (Jason Sudeikis) is actually trying to learn about soccer strategy.
Re-live the entire episode below — once you get past this mighty spoiler warning, that is!

1. Ted Lasso season 3 is all about new jobs
Keeley and her CFO Barbara (Katie Wix) begin the episode reminding us that KJPR is no Richmond. As much as Keeley wants to make the office fun, this team is much dryer. Also, Barbara sets up a predictable situation: Keeley shouldn't let the commercial go over on time because that's money out of their pocket. Later, Keeley asks for Ted's advice about how to get their group to work together, and he pitches an outside-the-office activity.

Later, on the job, Keeley runs into Shandy (Ambreen Razia) an old friend, who praises her for "making it out" of the sports player WAG (wives and girlfriends) circle she was in, and offers some advice about how to get their shoot done right. This leads Keeley to hire her as a consultant for affiliate management and client relationships. Barbara, though, is not exactly happy about this, and throws cold water on the idea, barely mincing words with her reaction. Barbara, we learn, has been sent to work at many companies and loves snow globes, and Keeley manages to talk her into being more open-minded about Shandy.
Then, we jump over to Richmond, as Rebecca (Hannah Waddingham) is hosting Trent Crimm (James Lance) in her office, with Higgins (Jeremy Swift) and Keeley also there. He wants to write a book about the team, and while those three don't want him to — Rebecca gives the decision over to Ted.

And Ted being Ted, he invites chaos into his locker room by telling Trent he's up for the idea. Later in the episode, we see Roy isn't happy with this at all, and demands that the entire team give Crimm the cold shoulder, with the threat of a head-butt for those who talk to Trent. Ted, trying to diffuse this, puts Trent in Roy's office. Roy isn't exactly a caring coworker, though, and later tells Crimm to "f*** off."
And then the third piece of Job Week falls into place as Higgins learns that superstar footballer Zava (Maximilian Osinski) is leaving Juventus. After a brief disagreement about the U.K. and U.S. versions of The Office, we learn that Higgins and Keeley want to sign him for his talent and social media clout. He's played for 14 teams in 15 years, and according to Higgins, he always leaves "behind nothing but chaos and trophies, beautiful, shiny trophies."
In short: Ted Lasso season 3 may feel a bit rushed as we see a musical chair of jobs going on, but it's clear that showrunner Bill Lawrence & Co. have a chess board they're setting up.
2. Rebecca is possibly too revenge-driven this year
As the first episode suggested, Rebecca's emotions this season are all about wanting the worst for her ex Rupert (Anthony Head) and his West Ham team. Now that they both own teams in the Premier League, it's apparently not big enough for the both of them.
And it doesn't seem to matter if Richmond may get caught in the crossfire, as Rebecca went from being against the Zava signing to singing "Zava-dabba-doo!" once she learned that Rupert wants him. Trent Crimm spells all of that out, which renders Rebecca speechless for a moment, and she actually owns her decision.

Meanwhile, Rebecca's dealing with her mother's continuing eccentricities, including an offer to meet with her favorite psychic. In a monologue later in the episode, Rebecca reveals how a young Rupert made her feel special and chosen.
After an interaction with Rupert, where she congratulates him on West Ham's win over Leicester — and he praised Nate while indirectly burying Ted — Rebecca deals with Zava in person. And after Zava acts like a totally arrogant child to her, saying meeting him was "an honor" for her, Rupert stuck the knife in deeply on Rebecca saying that he bought West Ham after Richmond because he gets tired of the "same old, same old." And while that temporarily hurt her, it only served to raise her ire and motivation: Rebecca delivers a powerful monologue to Zava — as he was at the urinal — about how he's a "chickens**t," and not as good as he is supposed to be.
In short: Rebecca's focus isn't on winning a championship, but upsetting Rupert.
3. Roy and Keeley's breakup may have been about fear
After Richmond player Isaac (Kola Bokinni) tells Keeley he wants a shoes deal, she runs into Jamie (Phil Dunster), who's stammering over himself as he talks to her, and becomes very shy as Roy walks up.
Isaac, in a moment that could be called back to later, outs himself to Jamie as a body language expert. By observing the lack of eye contact and crossed arms, Isaac figures that they're broken up. Jamie then looks on as the recently-broken-up couple walk away. And while it looks like he's going after Keeley, he doesn't.

Jamie walks into the darkened office that Roy was taking a moment of alone time in, where he asks if they broke up — claiming he used "body science" to deduce it. After trying to show empathy and assuming Keeley broke up with Roy, Jamie expresses the same question we all did: why did Roy dump Keeley?
And Roy refuses to let him know. Instead, he asks if Jamie was trying to see if it would be OK for him to ask her out. Jamie does not deny this at all, but he tries to hug Roy, who is too ... much of himself to know what a male friend trying to hug you looks like — and shoves him away.

Roy then demands Jamie keep this secret, and Jamie demands that kit boy William (Charlie Hiscock) — who was in the room with them — keep the secret as well. Will promises secrecy after mentioning he had a breakup, too.
Neither of them broke the news to the team, but once the gossip (likely from Isaac) spreads, Coach Beard (Brendan Hunt) yelps and Ted faints. Ted's even breaking out his breakup playlist. And the Ted Lasso writers, always loving a repeated joke, have everyone in the locker room freak over the news that Roy broke things off — and wasn't the one who got dumped.
Roy implies he didn't think he was going to be doing enough for her. To break up before she breaks up with him. And he says that the day taught him that he should have stayed with Chelsea, and enjoyed himself. He ends saying "but that's not who I am, I guess." To which Ted says, "not yet."
Even Bruce, Roy's favorite member of the Chelsea security team, doesn't understand why he would break up with her. Though as Roy does get a bit of adoration from his former home-club fans, he doesn't seem to actually enjoy it, or is hurting through it. As that's happening, without saying a thing, Rebecca comforts Keeley.
But at the end of the episode, Roy delivers a monologue that we can try and scrape out some understanding of his current state of mind. At his final season at Chelsea, he didn't play well, thought he couldn't keep up and that he wasn't good enough. So he left. It's a speech that's clearly about his decision to leave Keeley, where Roy implies he didn't think he was going to be doing enough for her. To break up before she breaks up with him. And he says that the day taught him that he should have stayed with Chelsea and enjoyed himself. He ends saying "but that's not who I am, I guess." To which Ted says, "not yet."
In short: There's still some hope for Roy and Keeley.
4. Ted's taking football seriously — and team chemistry just as importantly

Coach Beard (Brendan Hunt) walks in on Ted reading his copy of Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics, which we first saw Beard reading on their plane ride to England in season 1. Oh, and he even said "football" instead of "soccer" without trying.
Chelsea score first and early, which sends Richmond to the locker room — where Ted pushes Roy to stop beefing with Trent Crimm. And after Ted gives a touching explainer about Hallmark Christmas movies, Roy actually does it. Well, after shouting "Crimm!" and summoning the journalist to the showers, Roy explains his long-standing one-sided feud was all about Crimm's harsh words about a rookie Roy Kent that stung so hard hat Roy carried them in his wallet since he was 17 years old. Both admit they've been too gruff, and then forgiveness is given. Roy even tears up the news scrap he'd saved.
The team then coalesces around a new strategy, which led to a 1-1 draw — thanks to Dani Rojas' (Cristo Fernández) face scoring a goal — practically a win for the team.
In short: Richmond will need more than ties, but Ted's focus on the cohesion continues to be a force for good. Speaking of which...
5. Richmond's newest problem wears sunglasses indoors
The quest to sign Zava is a sprint of a "Will he or won't he?" situation, as time is of the essence this season. Even though Zava rejects the idea of signing with West Ham, this only makes Rebecca more sure that it will be done: rejection only makes Rupert pursue something more passionately.
Zava, a smug dude in a fur-lined suede coat, who got viral fame as The Veggie Dog Vigilante, is the kind of guy who is never seen without his sunglasses on during this episode. He also is the talk of the town, as he makes everyone in Richmond's locker room squeal and yelp — and sends Higgins into fanboy behavior, snapping photos.
When Ted Lasso hits the touching moments of Roy's speech at the end, I find it tough to argue that Bill Lawrence & Co. don't know what they're doing.
Richmond's season-opener is a moment for celebration for the fans at the pub, who dress in their finest. Over at Chelsea's stadium, though, Higgins believes that Zava's signing to the team, and the star makes an appearance. Then, we learn two things: Jamie Tartt doesn't care about Zava, and Dani Rojas played in El Chapo's youth soccer league.
And at the last second, Zava declines to play for Chelsea, and chooses Richmond instead. And he did it at a Chelsea press conference about his signing, angering Rupert, and leaving Richmond's management and fans celebrating. Except for Jamie, who's shaking his head.
In short: Zava seems like a short-term gain that will boost the team — and help propel them to big possibilities late in the season — and that also will lead to other problems.
Outlook: Ted Lasso season 3 did a whole lot in 46 minutes
I absolutely love Ted Lasso season 3 so far (I've also seen episodes 3 and 4), but upon rewatch, Ted Lasso season 3 episode 2 almost felt hurried. To introduce and sign Zava to Richmond in one episode, and have Trent Crimm and Keeley's friend Shandy also get new gigs, you almost can see the seams of the series.
That said, when Ted Lasso hits the touching moments of Roy's speech at the end, I find it tough to argue that Bill Lawrence & Co. don't know what they're doing.