There is no realm that Taylor Swift’s reach does not extend to. After the recent discovery of 16 new species of millipede in the Appalachian Mountains, one of them has been named after the singer. Derek Hennen, the lead author of a study that published the findings and a devoted Swiftie, announced the set of new species on Twitter, including one that was dedicated to the singer.
“This new millipede species is Nannaria swiftae: I named it after @taylorswift13!” he wrote on Twitter. “I’m a big fan of her music, so I wanted to show my appreciation by naming this new species from Tennessee after her. A high honor!”
Hennen also told Rolling Stone: “Her music helped me get through the highs and lows of graduate school, so naming a new millipede species after her is my way of saying thanks.”
Swift hasn’t responded to the honor, likely because she’s too busy hanging out with Drake these days.