Who got voted off Survivor this week wasn't the big surprise — who wasn't voted off, however, was.
Fans of the Matt and Frannie showmance will be happy to hear that Survivor season 44's lovebirds are together again...in jury, that is. Yes, Frannie was voted off the island this week, having won her third individual challenge of the season in the reward comp — earning a taco feast and letters from home, to boot — but failing to take the top spot in the immunity challenge, leaving the 24-year-old research coordinator vulnerable ahead of Tribal Council.
"It's simple Survivor strategy: take out the person who in theory could win every challenge," Frannie worried.
"Not winning isn't fun but I'm just happy it's not Frannie," Danny said after Carson wins immunity this week, thanks to yet another puzzle. The NYC firefighter believed that it's time to strike against the "powerhouse player," though the tribe was also concerned about Jaime and her potential hidden immunity idol. (Speaking of, Jaime fessed up to the rest of the Survivor season 44 cast that Kane had been voted off with her idol on his person, even though she never realized that it was a fake idol all along.)
"I have had some sort of security in every single Tribal Council I've been to, so I haven't had the chance in this game to put my social strategy to the test," Frannie said. Getting wind that she was the target this week, Frannie worked with Carolyn to try to get the numbers to go against Heidi instead. In the end, the ladies' plan didn't work and Frannie was voted out and becomes the fourth person on the jury.
"I put my game to the test tonight and I failed! And I don't fail tests!" Frannie said upon her departure. "But being a jury member is the most exciting thing, it's a front row seat at my favorite show!"
Fans react to who got voted off Survivor this week:
Survivor viewers were frustrated with the strategy this week, as many felt that the real target this week wasn't Frannie, Jaime or Heidi but Danny.
One fan took to Twitter to lament: "Why isn't everybody trying like hell to get Danny out of this game?? Dude is CLEARLY the biggest threat this whole season, physically and strategically." Here's what viewers are saying on social media:
#SurvivorLike WOW!..🤯 I wasn't expecting that.. Yet, WHY keep a strong competitor in the game??!..🤨Danny needs to be NEXT!..May 4, 2023
I need some explanation for Lauren’s vote. Danny was always coming for her. Why wouldn’t she take this opportunity to get him or his number 1 out? Probably bc Carolyn tried to flip the vote to Heidi. I just don’t get going with the guy who’s targeting you. #survivor #survivor44May 4, 2023
Danny wants to win challenges so bad he had to vote out the competition. Too bad no one called out he finished 2nd in 3-4 of the challenges and will now be biggest threat #survivorMay 4, 2023
Why are they all just willingly letting Danny call the shots. I wanted my female alliance! #survivorMay 4, 2023
So let me get this straight all Danny has to do now is win the next 2 immunities and at the very least fire to make F3? Stupid move by the others. #SurvivorMay 4, 2023
after danny talked horrible to his alliance he’s still…in the game??? #survivor #survivor44 pic.twitter.com/XUKMEoCbN4May 4, 2023
Yeah yeah I get that Frannie was a comp beast. You know who is always close to winning? Danny. #SurvivorMay 4, 2023
What was the vote breakdown? Who voted for Frannie? Did the 4 non-reward participants vote together against Frannie as planned? Too bad the 4 reward participants didn't stick with voting together against Danny. #Survivor #Survivor44May 4, 2023
Why are they not voting out Danny??!? His name keeps coming up but nooooo! #SurvivorMay 4, 2023
Heidi voting Danny after telling her he doesn't need her vote but then gives him her vote like mom #SurvivorMay 4, 2023
yall have officially made danny think he’s running this game. Did they not see his smirk?! He needs to go! #Survivor #Survivor44May 4, 2023
Why isn’t everybody trying like hell to get Danny out of this game?? Dude is CLEARLY the biggest threat this whole season, physically and strategically, and basically nobody cares but Carolyn. #SurvivorMay 4, 2023
OMG THE FACT THAT HEIDI WAS THE ONE VOTE FOR DANNY 😂 I can’t wait for next week #survivor pic.twitter.com/d76EAGaAKWMay 4, 2023