Early to rise? On tour, you often don’t know what day of the week it is, so it depends how much I had to drink the night before. I do love that feeling of seeing an empty Sunday morning town or city. But who am I kidding? Most Sundays I like a wee bit of a lie-in.
Sunday grub? Breakfast feels like a treat, as if you’ve got permission to go overboard. I love a good fry-up. To go really Scottish, add a slice of fried haggis. My favourite part is the mushrooms, but don’t just ram them in the pan. Fry sparingly and only turn once.
What are you drinking? Only after a tea-tasting at a Japanese restaurant did I realise boiling water makes green tea really bitter. So now I’ve got a special kettle.
Sunday activities? I love cycling to London’s Columbia Road flower market. My tip is to buy them when they’re packing away because you never know what’s left over and they’re cheap.
What’s for lunch? I love a late pub lunch. As a kid, you think, ‘I can’t wait to be an adult because I’ll eat sweets every day.’ I don’t know why now, as adults, we only have Yorkshire puddings on a Sunday.
Sunday evening? I’m presenting a new radio show. Sundays are perfect for relaxing to with music, so I’m going to play music that makes me feel comfortable and happy, discovering some new things along the way.
Perfect Sunday night? I’d like to transport myself back up to 90s/early 2000s Glasgow, to Optimo at the Sub Club with DJs Keith and Jonnie, a mix of indie and electro. Then in the early hours of the morning I’ll end up with a bunch of reprobates in somebody’s flat. Reprobates always make the best company.
Love or dread Monday mornings? I don’t dread any mornings. Mornings mean something new is happening. To me, that’s always a good thing.
The Alex Kapranos Show is on Absolute Radio, Sunday nights at 10pm