I have been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan for my entire life and I will readily admit the circumstances right now are like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The combined hatred for offensive coordinator Matt Canada has reached its apex and has spilled over well beyond just social media chatter and has expanded to chants at Pittsburgh Penguins games.
This entire phenomenon has become somewhat tiring, especially if fans think this will somehow sway head coach Mike Tomlin to make a coaching change. Steelers beat writer Ray Fittapalado took it a step further saying that it is getting a bit ridiculous.
“It’s a little bit ridiculous,” Fittapaldo said. Fittapaldo goes on and says he’s never seen this type of hate toward a coach before and says “It’s getting pretty out of hand.”
Is it more ridiculous that fans are chanting for Tomlin to fire Canada or that he kept Canada on the staff after the end of last season?