Telangana State Seed Development Corporation (TSSDC) has produced 1,60,441 quintal of seed of 18 food, commercial and fodder crops in 2021-22, which met the needs not only in Telangana but also supplied to nine other States.
In all, 60 varieties of seeds were produced by the corporation, including 18 varieties of paddy seed, eight varieties of red gram seed, four varieties each of green gram, black gram and bajra, three varieties each of groundnut, Bengal gram and Bt-cotton, two varieties each of soybean and sesamum and one variety each of chilli, bhendi, jowar, maize, mustard, ragi, korra and others.
The seed was producted in 33,619 acres and was supplied to Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Odisha and also exported to other countries besides meeting the needs within Telangana.
Officials of the seed corporation put the value of seed produced at ₹6,487 crore. As per 2021-22 estimates, the agriculture sector contributed 18.3% to the GSDP with 48.4% of population depending on it for livelihood. Besides, the agriculture sector was also complementing the growth of industrial and service sectors.