This springtime might just be the best time for many Kentuckians to consider getting another COVID booster shot. Kentucky Public Health Commissioner Dr. Stephen Stack said a newly developed booster is anticipated this fall. But, Stack said for people 65 and older and those with medical conditions, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests a twice-a-year regimen.
“If you had one last fall but you are 65 or older then this spring or summer you’re eligible to get another one. They say you should probably just have four months space between the two doses,” said Stack.
Dr. Stack noted there’s not a real precise way to assess how many Kentuckians have dodged their first case of coronavirus. The public health system director added national studies show about 96% of Americans have either been infected, vaccinated, or both.
As Kentucky moves further into springtime conditions, change will be evident in nature. The warming and greening up of the landscape doesn’t eliminate the ongoing risk of coronavirus illness. Stack said, for those few Kentuckians who have not gotten COVID yet, if and when it comes, it probably wouldn’t carry a bigger punch.
“There’s no evidence right now that the disease has evolved to become more severe than it was in the beginning. And there’s no reason to believe that someone who would get infected now would have a worse outcome than at any prior point,” said Stack.
Unlike influenza which typically does strike its biggest blow in the fall and winter, Dr. Stack said any type of seasonal trend is yet to be seen with coronavirus.
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