CHAIYAPHUM: Eight men entering the monkhood were repeatedly tossed into the air during a spectacular and unique ordination parade through Ban Non Salao in Phu Khieo district on Tuesday.
In the morning, provincial governor Sopon Suwanrat presided over religious rites at a village shrine for the eight men being ordained, who were referred to as nagas.
The highlight of the day was the parade of the eight nagas, each of them sitting cross-legged on a bamboo bed carried on the shoulders of strong men along the village's main streets to Wat Takhaek. The roads were lined by local villagers and Thai and foreign visitors.
The parade was led by about 100 beautifully dressed young women from the village, followed by a procession of relatives, friends and associates of the men entering the monkhood.
The excitement peaked as the eight nagas being paraded around the village were tossed up and down while being carried on the bamboo beds, to rousing northeastern music and drumbeats. The tossing of the nagas continued until the parade ended at the temple where they were ordained.
Villagers said the gruelling tossing of the nagas was a test of their strength and determination. They said the tradition of tossing men entering the monkhood was unique to the area and vowed to preserve it with pride.