Tourism was one of the world’s biggest employers and fastest growing industries, making up 10 percent of global GDP in 2019. But as borders closed during lockdowns, it became clear an over-reliance could be costly for the millions dependent on it.
Now that international travel has resumed, many destinations are wary a return to business-as-usual may no longer be sustainable. But a shift isn't easy, or immediate. After two long years, the economic injection from opening borders has been a welcome relief.

Indonesia's Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, said ineffective coordination and a lack of public understanding in conservation efforts had hampered the country's recovery progress.
"Our hope for the future is that there will be more quality and sustainable tourism visits," he said this week.
Indonesia will be hosting the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) World Tourism Day forum this month, with the focus on "Rethinking tourism".
"Rethinking one of the world’s major economic sectors will not be easy. But we are already well on the way," Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of the UNWTO said in a statement.
"In exposing weaknesses, the [COVID-19] crisis showed us where we can build more resilience. And in exposing inequalities, it also showed us where we can deliver more fairness."
Global international arrivals decreased by 71 percent during the first two years of the pandemic, according to the UNWTO.
In 2022, those numbers have somewhat recovered, but are still down 54 percent globally compared to 2019.
The loss in export revenues from international tourism in 2020 is estimated at US$1.1trillion. It presents 42 percent of the total loss in international trade in 2020.
Research found global tourism accounted for 8 percent of total greenhouse-gas emissions in 2018.
This quote is attributable to Tom Baum from the University of Strathclyde:
"What we’re witnessing are the consequences of long-term structural and cultural cracks that have expanded into chasms since the arrival of COVID-19."
"Addressing employment issues in tourism requires more than a quick fix. It needs sustainable, coordinated, inclusive responses and to be recognised for its convoluted nature, what economists describe as ‘wicked’."
This quote is attributable to Can-Seng Ooi, University of Tasmania:
"Post-pandemic tourism should aim to be sustainable for host communities. As society changes, so can an industry."
Reimagining Pacific tourism by thinking local Regina Scheyvens and Apisalome Movono, Massey University Pacific Island people were resilient when tourism halted. Now that it’s reopening, the world could learn from what they want.
COVID not only to blame for tourism’s staffing crisis Tom Baum, University of Strathclyde The pandemic forced workers to jump to other sectors where they found better prospects. There are no quick fixes to bring them back.
Food tourism can help regenerate our planet Francesc Fusté-Forné, University of Girona Regenerative tourism is the next step in sustainable travel and food can play a major role in it.
From littered Bali beaches to sustainable tourism Sri Hastjarjo and Rutiana D. Wahyunengseh, Universitas Sebelas Maret Villagers in the island of Java set the rules for tourists visiting their area, working with the local government to help protect popular sites.
New, lasting, economic models of tourism Pauline J. Sheldon, University of Hawaiʻi Creating new economic structures for tourism will require a fundamental shift in values.
When give and take can stop places being loved to death Phoebe Everingham, University of Newcastle Tourism isn’t the problem, mass consumption is. Here’s how we can shift the dial.
Lessons from tourism economies that serve the community Can-Seng Ooi, University of Tasmania Tourism revenue doesn’t always benefit the local people and economy. It’s time to change that.
Indonesia's rural villages offer lessons for global tourism Fafurida, Universitas Negeri Semarang The Dieng Plateau is a case study of community-led tourism development done well. The successful programme has helped the entire economic region.
Rethinking cultural tourism in the wake of a pandemic Valid Hasyimi, Santi Novani SBM ITB and Hossny Azizalrahman, King Abdulaziz University Tourism often sees tradeoffs between economic, social and environmental interests, but when COVID-19 emerged one city found a way to shift tradeoffs into opportunities.
Futureproofing tourism via digitalisation Saidatulakmal Mohd, Universiti Sains Malaysia While traditional tourism has been the mainstay for many economies, smart tourism is the way forward post-COVID.
Chart: The speed of tourism recovery Yu Luo & James Goldie, 360info The top 10 tourism destinations have recovered at the same pace following the pandemic.
Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.