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79 People Share What ‘Juicy’ Drama Ruined This Year’s Thanksgiving

It's rare that you get to see your closest people in one place, so whenever such an opportunity arises, we yearn to make the most of it. But then your sibling complains there's no green bean casserole this year, your aunt starts questioning your relationship status, and after your dad brings up politics, disappointment sneaks in, making these letdowns the highlights of your time together.

But in order to remind ourselves that there's no such thing as a perfect family gathering, let's take a look at one Reddit post. Through this platform, user Badshark1352 invited everyone to share the juiciest Thanksgiving stories they have. Its comment section is full of memorable experiences, proving that life really can be stranger than fiction. Hopefully, they can allow you to see some normality in the chaos!


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Not as juicy or dysfunctional as everyone's here but it's kinda sweet so I'll share. My girlfriend and my parents met for the first time, so it was a combination of families celebrating. My parents hardly speak English (we're Vietnamese), her parents hardly speak Vietnamese (they're white). BUT, her family loved my mum's cooking, our parents were able to somehow chat and have a 3 hours long conversation in broken English, and I got to play GTA V with her nieces and nephews, and her brother (who will be my brother in law). AND when everyone was leaving, my parents and her parents took photos together :') it was so cute you guys. Not drama, but the big convo this year was my dad revealed he secretly quit smoking in April of this year. He smoked for 60 years.My stepdaughter's boyfriend moved in with up last year because his mom is a piece of s**t. She left his dad and shacked up with a boyfriend who didn't like him. So he came to us and has been here since. She attempted to maintain a decent relationship for a while. Left the guy. Got a good job to take care of his two younger siblings. This is while my husband and I have been dealing with the fallout of her lack of common sense coming out through him. ( He is a great kid, but has serious knowledge gaps, like oil changes and taxes) So in October she met her 4th love of her life so far this year. She tried pretending that her driving ten hours to Louisiana wasn't for romance, they were good friends. So she then abandoned her younger son (15) and took her daughter (14) to Louisiana to live with this guy and his son. Now she's back for the holiday and is flipping s**t that her son's would rather be at my house instead of where she is staying. Even going so far as having the daughter call sobbing asking them why they love us more then their real family. And her calling me and my stepdaughter trying to get us to convince them. Hard no. You don't abandon your teenagers for random a*s men after demolishing the only home they knew and then expect them to just welcome you whenever you feel like playing mom. He's 18 but guess what, he's a part of a household of which I'm in charge. You lost your power here by being a s****y human.We planned for six (including my wife and I) to attend. We host and it's always a pleasant time. Thanksgiving is my favorite because it's just about family and food. Unfortunately my uncle's dementia has really kicked off over the last few weeks and due to various reasons we simply ended up cooking then delivering that food to multiple locations to support a family bring crushed by one of the most horrendous diseases I've ever witnessed. F**k dementia. F**k the VA. F**k the US "healthcare system". F**k social services. Just f**k it all.One year after announcing the ending of my engagement to a man, I’ve announced I’m gay and very in love with a wonderful woman. My Catholic family is less than enthused…My grandma got a new wig (short brown bob) and now bares a striking resemblance to Uncle Fester in Addams Family Values.Well, my ex wife called me. Asked if she could talk to me about something. One of her male coworkers was on a dating site and saw my girlfriend’s profile. I didn’t know and later today I get to have a conversation with her and let her know I have screenshots and she is now my ex girlfriend. The kicker? I caught my ex wife (of just over 20 years) cheating the day after thanksgiving last year. I hate this f*****g holiday. Got into a verbal fight with my grandma because she wants grandkids and tried to ship me with my 2nd cousin (last time we met was when I eight). Tried to tell her she was making her and I uncomfortable with her creepy remarks (“you two would make beautiful children”) and then it spiraled into implying I was gay because I wasn’t into my cousin.Sister-in-law revealed to her ultra conservative Christian parents that she's part of a throuple less than 6 months after she separated from her husband. Wife and I are sitting back and watching the drama unfold.Was planning on my mother, my brother and his wife for dinner with my family. It’s our first Thanksgiving in our new house. My brother’s house is tiny (no dining room and 1 couch) and we are a family of 5 so can’t fit. My mother is a hoarder and there’s no place to even sit in her house. My brother decided he couldn’t leave his house, SIL stayed with him. Mother decided to go to their house. I have spent a ton on food, my wife spent the last two days cooking and I spent the days cleaning. Now I have a ton of food and I am left with the realization I am only good to fix all the stuff that breaks around their houses.My mom walked in and started, "You look frumpy, OP." So I went up and changed into a full suit and tiara. My mom somehow did not catch on but my brother and his wife pulled me into the other room so they could laugh their a**es off.We did winco house brand vs stove top stuffing blind taste test and winco $.89 a box stuffing was like hands down waaaaaay better than the national brand. Things get pretty wild around here.My dad says I’m fat, and need to get in shape. I’m 45, middle age *is* hitting me. But I weight within about 10 lbs of what I did in high school, and ran a half marathon this morning. I work out nearly every day, lifting and running. Also, he actually is about 80 lbs overweight, diabetic, and riddled with health problems. Nothing like reminding me of that one right as the turkey comes out of the oven.I found out my aunt had a stroke a month ago and instead of going to the doctor she decided to pray on it. She now is in rehab because she has no function of the entire left side of her body. Love that catholic Hispanic logic.My sister brought her foster pup over. The pup bolted out the door and we chased her all over the neighborhood until it got dark. She's still out there somewhere, and we're worried about the coyotes and cold. I wish the drama was more about a rude guest or racist uncle. ?My dad decided to explain to the whole table that happiness is a choice and that how we feel about “bad” things that happen is just opinion. So my step daughter asked if he meant that the day her brother died was only a bad day “In her opinion”. He said yes. My wife (mother of the deceased) was sitting right there. I think we were all too shocked to know how to respond, but we won’t be getting together with my parents again. I keep wondering if this is really the same guy who raised me or if something happened along the way.My wife and I grew up very conservative and religious and we were outed as swingers and that our "best friends" were actually our polyamorous partners. We weren't ready for that but to their credit, both of our families (it spread very quickly) have caused very little drama.My fiancés mother pulled me aside and essentially told me that the reason she’s been so cold towards me is that she feels I’m an inadequate partner for her daughter. Her daughter who is a stay at home mom because I bust my a*s working to pay for everything we have. Who, upon hearing what her mother said, burst out laughing. Definitely not any issues between my lady and I but it does suck to know your future MIL thinks poorly of you.My relatives are arguing over my great aunt’s estate. I couldn’t care less, but everyone else is fighting with the family member who served as the executor to the estate. My grandma is also being scammed by someone she thinks is an army general. She is constantly fighting with my aunts and uncles about whether or not he’s real, and why it’s okay to send him a grand at a time when she has it. I stayed away from that mess this year.My cousin was recently converted into being a flat earther and wanted to argue with people.My whole family decided to go on vacation for Thanksgiving. They neglected to tell me until yesterday. They were like oh hey we are going to New Orleans and your sister and her family are going to Disney. Which means you get to spend Thanksgiving alone. Oh I'm so blessed....Dog jumped on the table and ate a turkey leg. Edit: she jumped up again and licked the butter. Dachshunds are sneaky when people don’t push in their chairs.My 70-something aunt who has dementia began taking off her clothes just as my uncle began the blessing before the meal.Plumbing went haywire with water shooting out of the toilets. Very nice plumber came and found a blockage - it was a condom. For a variety of reasons, it can’t be anyone who is here visiting - and the house has been empty all summer as my father has been quite ill. So we are all trying to figure out who was using his house as a secret sex den and was also stupid enough to flush condoms down the toilet.My kid told her cousin Santa wasn’t real. All hell has broken loose.My mom admitted, in front of two random people she invited for the meal, that she wants my kid to call her mom. And basically chose her grandparent name to get as close to it as humanly possible. When she asked me why my kid couldn't call her mom, I told her because she isn't my kid's mom, I am. And I looked at her like her head sprouted dild*s. The awkward silence for the next few seconds was great, let me tell you. /sMother-in-law's artificial hip popped out of joint. The last 2 times this happened they had to surgically repair it. This time the doc got it back in place and she is able to drive and go home. Told my wife she needs to buy a lotto ticket because our luck is never that good.I've been asked when I'm going to get pregnant and have babies, asked if I'm still on birth control, and asked why I'm so pale and told I should go get a tan. So it's pretty girlfriend's parents found out that we've been dating (we hid it for almost a year) and now they've taken all forms of communication away from her are pulling her out of school and wont let her leave the house because they're religious nuts and i'm not a member of her parents religion. there's nothing i can do about it either so i'm laying in my bed contemplating driving over there and busting her out and then remembering how much worse that would make everything.My partner’s aunt made a huge stink that the cranberry sauce had to be this specific kind from a can. And no, it couldn’t be that same brand of cranberry sauce that had been purchased because said can had actual fruit in it. Partner’s dad had to hurry to the grocery store to buy the “right” one. Only after the meal was over did anyone notice that neither cranberry sauce had actually been put out for dinner.Well I and the rest of the family learned that my step-aunt has throat cancer that spread to her brain, so there’s that.Not drama per se, but I told my Mom that this is the last year I’ll be attending Thanksgiving and Christmas with the extended family. Not because I don’t like them; I’m truly blessed to have the family that I do. I told her I’m proposing to my girlfriend next month and want to get more involved with her family and start building our life together. She’s sad, but thinks it’s really sweet. I’m excited to see them for Christmas in a month, but honestly even more excited to ask the love of my life to marry me and start our own chapter! My mom is passing down her ring to me to use, so I think the sentiment is really cool. Waiting until my late 20’s was the perfect move. Today was a great day overall. Good food, good people, no drama whatsoever. Today I truly feel happy. :)I walk away from all drama just got back to the hotel in fffn shock. The house exploded in a fight. Nephew high as a kite told cousin he screwed her HS Boyfriend. I am 60 years old but Cringeworthy I am going to watch football. My wife is freaking outMy family all think that I’m fat and need to diet. I’m getting married hopefully in 2025, and today my grandma and parents chimed in that I used to be so pretty, but that I’ve let myself go these last few years. I really need to diet. I think diets are unhealthy, and that I just need to be more mindful of what I eat. But oh, no, that won’t do. I need to buy special food and cut everything out. They know I’ve been trying to work on my weight. But I guess my efforts haven’t been good enough. It was humiliating.My cousin announced he was a wear-wolf. Like full on…wear-wolf gloves and all. No joke.My uncle introduced me and my brother as his oriental nephews.They’re probably talking about it being the third year in a row that I didn’t come. It’s the type of family where if you don’t show up for thanksgiving (or any other major holiday) you better be on your death bed or worse. I don’t care for spending my whole day being uncomfortable around judgmental people, so I just don’t.I have a cousin who’s been getting a bit too close to another cousin every time we have our biannual family thanksgiving reunion. They’ve caught them in a closet a few times and she always runs off with him. The guy cousin, here’s the kicker, has like 5 duis right now. So while obviously we are worried about the odd incest going on, the best way to get her away from her own cousin is to keep bringing up he has duis so she shouldn’t go alone with him in a car.I'm a metrosexual because I cooked our turkey and am a good dad according to my MIL (think she called me gay?).Last night, i found out that my partner is using some very heavy drugs & I'm unsure how to confront him about it. Also, we're long-distance, so he's happily enjoying the holiday with his family while I'm hundreds of miles away from mine & kind of losing my mind about this new discovery. But I have delicious crab bisque to eat, so I'm thankful for that today.I found out those mashed potatoes my uncle had been making by hand all these years are actually store bought.My neighbor’s son was stabbed in jail cause he won a game of dominoes and the other guy got mad.My cousin's wearing a MAGA sweatshirt and it's taking all my willpower not to take the bait.My SIL who claims to not be drinking showed up with liquor in her water bottle and got belligerent.I'm having an argument over whether to watch the 49ers Seahawks football game, or the Michigan Stanford basketball game. It's getting pretty heated, but since I'm here by myself, I figure I can compromise and flip back and forth between the two of them.Nothing serious.. We're celebrating Saturday and Grandma (90) is concerned about the turkey being spatchcocked, because it cooks in only 2 hours and she's used to waking up at 2AM to start it cooking to be ready by noon. Hers is normally extremely greasy on the bottom and dried out in the breasts. She is unsure if this way will taste as good, but she was very sweet to being open to let us try it this way. I was mildly irritated by catching her licking the spoon multiple times while scooping mashed potatoes from the mixer into a bowl (she didn't realize anyone was in the room bc she can't hear anymore), but I didn't say anything cuz I love her and I didn't want to hurt her feelings ?My mom can’t accept that my siblings and I have gone NC with our dad, who is an addict (allegedly he’s a couple weeks clean atm). She’s tried to guilt us into talking to him “because it’s Thanksgiving and it would encourage him” if we could call and talk to him. But sorry mom, that’s not what NC means.I tested positive for Covid today. My family is supposed to be hosting Thanksgiving. Now none of the guests want to come. We have 20 pounds of food. My Mom is low-key crying. 0/10 would not recommend.The power went out at my mom's house 20 degrees before the turkey was done cooking. We kept the oven shut, and it kept cooking. The breast got to temp, but the thighs and other dark meat didn't. My parents have a solar battery that had enough power for the microwave, so we microwaved the candied yams and reheated the stuffing in there (it was... Ok lol). We couldn't postpone dinner because several people had a second thanksgiving to get to later, and one aunt had to leave before dark. Thankfully the power came back on right as we were sitting down to eat, because my legally blind grandma wouldn't stop complaining about how dark it was. Could have been worse, but it was stressful for a hot minute.My father wouldn't come to the table to eat, because my mother criticized his gravy. Had to play moderator to some grown adults so they could sit down to eat and be civil humans.My dog rolled around in raw sewage that had leaked from my wife's aunt's septic tank.My cousin secretly has 15 cats and two dogs and they had to hurriedly move out of their apartment and into an air b&b because they “forgot” the lease was expiring this month. They also forgot (ie too lazy) to spay and neuter their existing cats. The male cat in question impregnated his mother and sister ?Current argument is my sister in law arguing with my brother about the proper way to measure screen size. He's right you measure diagonally. But I am staying out of this.Great uncle is deciding if he has the mental fortitude to juggle two elderly women, since he finds them both "seductive". One he's been with for 2 yrs, but says the spark is gone, new lady has red hair, which isn't normally his cup of tea. If he has to pick, he is leaning toward the red head that vacas in mexico 3 months out of the year so he can house sit while she's away. Asked my dad for sex/fingering advice and thought my dad was going to hurl up his pecan pie. Excused himself to get a second Heineken. Dad texted me ?? with ? to express his disgust. Came back to the table with pumpkin cheesecake. Great uncle by marriage will not be invited next year.My girlfriend's brother passed out and got rushed to the hospital. Currently sitting in the waiting room.I found out yesterday that my BIL and his new wife are accusing me of domestic violence through a completely unmerited source. The source allegedly saw me strike my wife while having an argument in the parking lot of a wedding and caused my wife to have a black eye. Even though an hour later my wife was posing in numerous wedding pictures with no such black eye and I have never struck anyone in anger, ever. Apparently this information has been spread through the new wife’s family and I am being slandered. So that’s putting a damper on the mood today.My brother-in-law's parents didn't come because they don't like that I say f**k all the time. Oh well, more f*****g pie for me.Step kids were supposed to be here at 5 pm so we had everything ready by 5. It’s now 7:11 and one of them is literally just now walking in the door and the other one called her dad at 5 on the dot and said that they are going to her boyfriends families house first to eat and then will be here. I’m pissed. I’m hungry and the food is now cold. His kids are so rude and disrespectful.My aunt brought her boyfriend that she publicly ended things with and then got back together with 3 days later. For cheating on her. For the 3rd time. With the same woman! The last 2 times it happened it went exactly like this. Public post, tell all your friends/family, que the sympathy, take post down 2 days later, get back together act like nothing happened. Everyone was pissed and none of us have ever liked him to begin with. The dude sat next to my grandfather and tried to have a conversation like he didn’t f**k around on his daughter and then tried to boss around other members of my family. Add this Thanksgiving being the first she’s been to in 7ish years it was a tension filled dinner to say the least.My dad is arguing with my mil and fil about gay frogs he heard about on joe rogan. FmlI'm no contact with an uncle for hitting my grandma and beating the c**p out of me then trying to make me take the fall on video and getting upset I didn't bruise. Despite wanting to go cross country to kill him at the time, my relatives spend almost an hour on and off going on about how well he's doing, how great, look at this picture of him OP, he's so successful, isn't it great? One relative also kept spending the entire night calling me Rudolph after his wife went "OP! Why's your nose so red?" really loudly. It happens when I'm stressed. When I was alone with my mom, who doesn't like him, she asked why I was so quiet. When I told her somehow that made me the bad guy. Meanwhile I get nauseous when I think about him and my heart races when I hear his name or voice Highlight of my night was feeding the cat a squeezy stick. She loves thoseMy FIL, who lives in an ADU in our back yard, has started installing fence posts in the yard because he doesn’t like the previous fence line we had agreed to (but not yet built). It’s not his first aggression. It’s telling that we have family living in our own backyard that we’re not spending the holiday with.My mom is super mad that my kids call themselves nerds. Like she's super offended as if it's the other other n word. I have no idea where her incredibly strongly held beliefs about the word nerd come from, but I assure you they are not organic.We’re getting sued for nearly a million dollars by my cousin and his girlfriend bc our dog bit his baby.My dad told us that if my generation and the next "can't figure out how to adapt to it being two degrees warmer" then the Earth is better off without us.I have food poisoning and missed everything ☹️☹️☹️My 22 year old sister brought her 35 year old fiancé (who she’s only known for 2 months) to thanksgiving and he was high as a kite. We’ve never met him before today. They got there late and only stayed long enough to eat. Whatever makes her happy I guess.Dad just burned his foot spilling the fresh gravy…cook safely everyone.Dog humped the newly walking baby.SIL was in charge of stuffing this year. She wanted to make it from scratch. Have you ever tasted something over salted and proceeded to politely ignore what was left on your plate and make up an excuse why you don't want anymore? Well, that didn't happen this time.... It was more salt than stuffing and we spit out our food in obvious disgust. She was mortified, but we were all laughing. First Thanksgiving in a while where stuffing wasn't served.We ordered our food from a local grocery store. We told everyone they didn't need to bring food. 5 people didn't show. Everyone still brought food. Fewer people and double food. Spent the morning doing so much work for no reason lol.Not juicy but I caught rsv from my grandchildren. I have food in my house for 25 people but I’m too sick to have people over. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday since I’m the typical Nana who shows love by cooking. I’m sitting here with my husband, feeling down. Oh well, maybe next year.I've got two. I'm gonna use fake names for this to make things easier. Aunt Maria has been dating a divorced man and Aunt Lola and one of her daughters confronted Aunt Maria's mom about being a "homewrecker." Apparently, the divorced man's ex-wife still had feelings for him and Aunt Maria takes all her boyfriend's money, according to the rumors. Aunt Maria and her mom currently aren't on speaking terms. This one happened over the span of two days and is still somewhat ongoing. Aunt Alicia got arrested because her underage daughter Amanda would often run away from home and was overall a delinquent. Amanda wasn't home during the arrest but returned at some point after we went to pay for Aunt Alicia's bail. Amanda's return, along with Aunt Alicia's handling of the situation, has been a huge point of contention for the family.Had my husband help with the turkey for the first time ever. He got the turkey ready for me to put the stuffing in. I stuffed the turkey but not the neck part. About an hour and a half into cooking. I keep thinking this smells off. Open the oven and look, notice something weird in the neck. Yeah he missed the paper wrapped giblet pack! We took it out but I am pretty sure the turkey was ruined from it. In his defense he doesn’t cook ever.SOMEONE over salted the deviled eggs!My tablecloth is ugly...according to my aunt.My step-daughter announced that her baby will be named "Dexter". Oh, FFS!Grandma forgot the whipped cream for the pie.Brought the dog to the in-laws. She found a mound of cat poop out back and went to town. Didn't realize till later when she slobbered on me and I realized my pants now reeked of wet old poop slobber. Dinner's almost ready, and I don't know about you, but I tend not to bring a change of clothes to Thanksgiving. This will be fun
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