Some Lexington residents can expect to get a pre-holiday letter from the urban county government. A second property tax bill will be coming to certain residents who have streetlights and city garbage collection. Melissa Lueker is budget director for the city of Lexington. Lueker said the second bill will be the difference between a 4% increase and the approved higher rate.
“According to state statute, we can only send out the bill for up to 4% prior to any kind of recall period. There were no petitions, so we are now able to send out the bill with the difference between the 4% and the Council approved rate. It will be for streetlights and for refuse also,” said Lueker.
For an average house in Lexington at $235,000, Lueker said the difference between the 4% increase allowed under tax law and the higher rate set by the Council should be about $20.
“We have not covered the cost of street lights for years. We made an effort to cover those costs this year, so we had a large jump that was over the 4%. In my time, I don’t remember us going over 4% ever, so this isn’t something to expect every year,” said Lueker.
The bills are expected to arrive in Lexington area mailboxes by the first of December. Lueker said this increase was put in place to address a shortfall in that fund.
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