Marina Hyde might be surprised to learn that this Baptist minister shares much of her opinion on the baptism of Russell Brand (So Russell Brand was baptised in the Thames, and all his sins were washed away. Cheaper than a lawyer, I suppose, 14 May).
Baptism in the name of the Holy Trinity does indeed signify the washing away of sin, since it marks the transition into a new life in Christ. But this does not exculpate the individual from the earthly consequences of their wrongdoings. Quite the contrary: baptism is performed on the basis of repentance – which will be marked by a willingness to participate in due process of law, where that is needful, and/or to make amends, where that is appropriate. Repentance, in other words, is a facing up to sin and the harms we have done, not a get-out-of-jail-free card.
So through baptism, a person lays claim to the grace God offers, securing forgiveness in the court of heaven. It has no bearing upon legal process. A misunderstanding of this distinction lies behind the appalling litany of ecclesial cover-ups of abusers in recent years. Because genuine Christian baptism marks an individual’s rebirth into new life in Christ, and their entry into the family of God, it is something that Christians rejoice to see. But the “celebrification” of baptism is troubling. A tree is known by its fruit, said Jesus. I, for one, will feel more confident in the authenticity of Mr Brand’s conversion in a few years’ time, if and when there is clear evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in his life.
Rev Dr Helen Paynter
Director, Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence
• I’m normally a fan of Marina Hyde, but I felt the tone of the article on Russell Brand was unpleasantly cynical and unkind in almost every respect, to Bear Grylls as well as to Brand. It’s clear that Brand has turned away from his previous lifestyle, and accepts that much of his behaviour was appalling, although the media didn’t have so much of a problem with it at the time. It’s not at all surprising to anyone who is familiar with his work that he has turned to Christ. He will quite rightly have to face whatever is coming to him in court, if and when it gets that far, but trial by media is simply not acceptable.
John Hawkins
Robertsbridge, East Sussex
• It is as transparent as the Thames is not that converting to Christianity is a tried and tested route to cleaning up one’s image, and has long held the top spot in ways of doing so in every PR company’s mandate, with “so and so loves animals” a close second (social media watchers may have noticed the many Russell Brand posts sharing photos of his pets in the last few months). Personally, I would recommend publicly apologising sincerely to any woman his actions have harmed.
I can only assume that Bear Grylls, as a born-again Christian, has no choice but to believe Brand’s conversion as sincere (whatever doubts he may have) and the key word in his quote is “forgiveness”.
Vikki Mckenzie
• Can we please start a campaign to ennoble, or perhaps beatify, Marina Hyde? Just when I thought I couldn’t love her any more, she produced this account of Russell Brand’s baptism, including the line “I know, it’s incredible: Thames Water is no longer responsible for the biggest piece of shit in the river.” Marina Hyde, a national treasure.
Alan Jewitt
Melksham, Wiltshire
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