Google is currently rolling out a new feature to Gmail and it might just end all of the kerfuffle involved in scheduling events over email. The two new features allow Gmail users to quickly identify the perfect time to schedule meetings or events with one another (currently limited to 1:1 appointments only)
As the feature rolls out over the next few weeks, users will notice a new Calendar icon in their compose windows — here’s where you’ll find Gmail’s two new perks: “Offer times you’re free” and “Create an event.”

New Gmail features: Create an event & Offer times you’re free
Clicking the “Create an event button” is self explanatory — it will generate a Google Calendar event between yourself and all of the current email chain’s recipients.
This will expand the calendar flow on the right-hand side of the screen and allow you to assign additional invitees, an event title, and a brief summary of what to expect before sending it off as an invite to others.
On the other hand, choosing the new “Offer times you’re free” option will similarly open up the calendar flow on the right, only this time allowing you to highlight free spots on your Google Calendar where you’ll be available for an event or meeting. You’ll even be able to highlight separate blocks of time across multiple days.
Once you’ve selected the times you’re free, you can fire off your email and let the recipient choose a time that works best for them, with you both receiving an event notification and calendar update afterward.

This Gmail update won’t set the world on fire, but it does enable a super convenient way to arrange events and meetings without all of the haggling for time you might currently face.
It might be a small step in refining Google’s email service but it’ll be a noticeable one for many, and it’s nice to know Google still have minor tweaks like this in mind instead of throwing all of its eggs into the generative AI basket.