Sifu, the rough and tough martial arts beat’em up, is finally heading to more platforms.
On Tuesday, developer Sloclap announced that Sifu will come to Xbox and Steam in March 2023. There is no exact date yet, but at least we have a release window.
New content is also coming — namely, the arenas mode, which unlocks additional costumes, moves, cheats, and plenty more. Sloclap is keeping most of the extra content details close to the chest but will let us know the nitty-gritty soon.
There’s also a brand-new trailer that shows off bits of the arenas mode. Check it out for yourself below.
Anyone that already owns Sifu on PS4, PS5, and the Epic Games Store will automatically get all this extra content for free – coinciding with the Xbox and Steam ports. So nobody that picked it up early is being left out in the cold.
Sifu‘s stylish combat and beautiful visuals earned it some high praise from many critics. GLHF has many guides for this one, including helpful tips, best skills, how to spare bosses, and loads more that are well worth studying.
Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.