Warning: Spoilers ahead for Sex/Life Season 2. Come back once you’ve caught up!
It was just a few weeks ago that Sex/Life returned with Season 2 and gave those with a Netflix subscription some answers they’d been looking for ever since that shocking Season 1 cliffhanger ending. All of the steamy romances and relationships changed quite a bit by the end of the sophomore season, with several members of the Sex/Life cast taking their characters to some surprising places, considering what had come before.
Though we don’t know yet whether or not the series will be renewed for Season 3, showrunner Stacy Rukeyser and her team already have some concrete ideas on what to do should the sexually explicit drama come back for another go round. And, as I’m sure most fans who’ve finished the season do, we have our own ideas of what we want to see if the show returns. Let’s dig in!

What Billie And Brad Look Like As A Married Couple
The major surprise of the second season finale was seeing Billie and Brad reunite, and then actually walk down the aisle in the final minutes of the last episode. Billie also announced to her, very soon-to-be second husband, that she was pregnant, meaning that these two (who already have three children under the age of 10 between them) are being plunged headlong into blended family domesticity.
Rukeyser said recently that the early plan for a potential third season would be to show them together, and how they co-parent with their exes, Cooper and Gigi, who had both moved on romantically by the end of Season 2. I’m totally on board with this idea, because Billie and Brad, as a couple, seem to thrive where there’s drama, and I can’t really imagine a long-term relationship of theirs being successful without it, or some of their natural tendencies, which do not make domestic bliss appear easy. Speaking of…

How Billie Stops Herself From Getting Bored Like She Did With Cooper
I’m sure none of us have forgotten that all of this started in the first season because Billie was struggling to reconcile her sexually explorative, career-driven side with her current life as an exhausted, suburban stay-at-home wife and mom to two extremely young kids. She was missing the wilder life she’d had before marriage and children, and got so bored with her new reality that she started to obsess over her (incredibly flawed) past romance with Brad.
As the showrunner noted, the ending of Season 2 could easily leave Billie in a very similar position. She’s now finished grad school and is teaching again, and I can only assume that she and Brad will continue to live in New York City as opposed to any suburb, but Billie now has even more responsibilities, which could overtake her sexytimes, than she did in Season 1. How will she find ways to combat that in her second try as a new mom once she has the baby? Will she eventually find that even Bad Boy Brad isn’t quite enough to satiate her desire for a full professional and personal life? I need to see how she combats her tendency toward boredom!

Brad Finally Becoming A Better Partner
Granted, with what we’ve seen of Brad’s behavior over two seasons, it might not be too possible for Billie to get bored. What I don’t think anyone wants is for her to need to be on her toes constantly because her new husband continues to earn his “bad” nickname, and treats her as horribly as he has in the past, or as disrespectfully as he treated Gigi, the mother of his other child.
Basically, Brad needs to grow the fuck up and learn how to say what he wants and needs, even when it’s hard (i.e. like how he should have gone ahead and told Gigi that he was still into Billie and wanted to break up, instead of covering that up by asking the already pregnant lady to marry him). He needs to stop being selfish and cowardly and really talk to and listen to Billie. This won’t automatically mean that he’ll become a saint, but let’s make sure the man is really trying to be considerate to his partner and make his marriage work, OK?

Whether Or Not Sasha Can Be In A Monogamous Relationship
I was so surprised, as many viewers likely were, to see Sasha get married in the second season. The flashbacks to her younger days this time around showed that she wasn’t always a love ‘em and leave ‘em lady who stuck with light romantic attachments and loads of sexual partners. But, I still never imagined that she and her college love, Kam, would actually tie the knot.
And, now I have some questions. Can Sasha really go from 60 to zero, and be happy with having one sexual partner for the rest of her life? Will she and Kam decide to have a non-monogamous marriage? If so, will one or both of them get jealous? For that matter, even if we take wild sexytimes out of the equation, is Sasha going to be cool without the excitement of dating and not having a consistent romance to become comfortable with?

Cooper Cutting His Friendship With Devon Loose
I know! Cooper and Devon have been buds for a long time, but has Devon ever failed to encourage Cooper’s worst instincts? Nope. Instead, he’s been the constant devil on his shoulder who helps to push him to do dumb, hurtful, potentially dangerous things.
We all remember what happened during that Season 1 sex party, right? Not to mention how Devon helped Cooper hit rock bottom post his divorce from Billie in the second season. This led to Coop being arrested, and needing to go to AA, and Devon having his penis bitten off while he was driving way too fast and coked up while getting a blowjob from a sex worker. Devon is now happily going to explore life with a reconstructed penis and its accompanying easy to manipulate pump, and it’s time for Cooper to let his ol’ friend go. He’s now sober, doing a very good job of co-parenting with Billie, and preparing to marry Emily. He doesn’t need Devon’s bad advice anymore!

Trina Living Her Best Divorced Life
Look, I’m no Trina super-fan, but it’s clear that she was embroiled in a very toxic marriage with Devon, which is no shock, because that man’s middle name is pretty much “Toxic.” Season 2 saw her take a stand and decide to go back to work, and she soon made up with Billie over those sex party shenanigans and also being caught half-naked with Cooper by one of the divorcing couple’s young kids.
By the end, Trina seemed like a lot less of a shitty person, and really took her life into her own hands by telling Devon she wanted a divorce and going off to teach “vaginal workouts for better sex.” Now? It’s pretty easy to want to see Trina happily living life without her misogynist ex-husband and learning how to enjoy life for herself.

Whatever Is Going On With Caroline And Her Husband To Make Her Rely On Sven Instead
It was clear early on in the first season that syrupy sweet Caroline had a gleeful interest in fellow Connecticut mom Billie and her conflicts/great sex with Cooper/Brad. What wasn’t clear until Season 2, however, was whether or not this interest was just real-life soap opera level intrigue for her, or about her wanting to break free from her own domestic boredom.
It turns out that Caroline has taken to relying on a certain hot-as-hell masseuse (it’s Sven, you guys) to satisfy her sexual needs, but we don’t know how things went so wrong in her marriage that she decided it was best to go there with sexy Sven, who’s very willing to, uh, plumb the depths of a lady’s pleasure garden (I mixed my metaphors there, but it still fits, I think). Did she try to talk to her husband about needing more in bed and he blew her off? Is she just already sure he wouldn’t understand and never bothered? We want to know more!
If the series returns, I’m sure it’ll do a fine job of delivering a number of shocks and crazy sex scenes, but it’ll be even better if the show could really dive into the topics above! You can revisit all of Sex/Life on Netflix right now.