Three service members were killed in a drone attack and their remains will be transferred today in a solemn ceremony. Democratic Congressman Jason Crow of Colorado, a former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke about the gravity of this loss. He emphasized the need for leaders, including the President, to understand the real impacts of military decisions and not engage in armchair generalship. Congressman Crow expressed support for the President's approach of choosing the time, place, and manner of response, asserting that the US should always lead from a position of strength.
When asked about the risk of waiting too long, Congressman Crow emphasized the importance of responding when the US is ready and not being provoked into premature actions. He stated that the response should send a strong message and impose costs on Iran and its proxies, while also de-escalating the situation. He cautioned against revealing specific details that could put service members at greater risk.
Regarding Iranian leaders being caught off guard by the attack, Congressman Crow acknowledged that Iran engages in a defense in depth strategy by empowering proxy forces. While they may claim plausible deniability, Iran bears responsibility for the actions of these groups that it trains, equips, and enables. He emphasized the need to hold Iran accountable for the actions of its proxies without escalating the situation further.
The discussion shifted to the Biden administration's stance that the conflict is contained to Gaza. Congressman Crow acknowledged the danger and instability of the world, highlighting the presence of hundreds of thousands of US service members stationed throughout various regions. He stressed the need for vigilance and caution, given the numerous attacks against shipping, US service members, and forward operating bases. He also expressed concerns about the rise in extremism and sympathies with terrorist organizations as a result of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Congressman Crow underscored the national interest in ensuring the conflict is handled appropriately. He revealed that he has been urging Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israelis to shift the nature of their offensive due to the rise in civilian casualties and its impact on extremist activities. He reiterated that the US has a stake in protecting its troops and national interests and called for a policy shift to better serve these goals.
In conclusion, Congressman Crow reflected on the solemnity of the day and expressed his support for the dignified transfer ceremony.