Albo might not go so far as to be Australia's most-loved PM (anyone who thinks they can knock Hawkey off that perch is, to borrow a phrase from the late legend of Labor, "mad as a cut snake"), but Australia's latest Labor Prime Minister sure had a warm welcome to Newcastle over the weekend as the city rolled out the red carpet.
It started with a full-page ad in the Newcastle Herald on Friday, paid for and commissioned by local media outfit Out of the Square, welcoming the PM with a nod to his recent engagement to Jodie Haydon.
Out of the Square boss Marty Adnum even had his copy of the Herald signed on Friday night at a Business Hunter and University of Newcastle "Nexus" function at City Hall, where the Prime Minister had a rock star's reception with selfies, signatures and speeches that lauded the "magnificent" local beaches.
"With the PM coming to Newcastle, we thought we would say congratulations and welcome in our own special way," Mr Adnum wrote to Topics on Friday, "And what better way than to take out a page in the Newcastle Herald? We know we live in the best region in the world, so we thought we'd remind him of that."

Perhaps it's not surprising that in Labor's historically dyed-red-in-the-wool stronghold of the Hunter that the PM would receive a warm welcome, but there's no denying that Albo arrived with a fanfare that cast a somewhat icier shade on memories of his predecessor's handful of visits up here to God's country.
We imagine Scomo would be rolling in his Hawaiian shirt at the thought that Albo was greeted with selfies when he met the righteous fury of Ray Dury in that never-to-be-forgotton confrontation at the Edgeworth Tavern in 2022.
Albo, to his credit, played all the hits in singing the praises of our beaches (eat your heart out, Bondi, we've got the PM on record) as well as the first-class locals.
"One of the things that just strikes me about this great city and this region is just how warm and welcoming people are," he said on Friday night.
"Very politely asking for selfies, me very politely asking people not to post topless photos of the Prime Minister."
Of course, it wasn't a visit entirely without criticism. The PM arrived amid a heavy police presence, and about 30 pro-Palestinian protesters outside City Hall made their objections to the national response to the war in the Middle East known. Still, Albo nevertheless said he was "connected" with the state's second (and best) city.

The soon-to-be Mrs Albo, Ms Hayden - who worked in superannuation and financial services for two decades, among more recent roles as women's advocate and union delegate for the NSW Public Service Association - studied at the University of Newcastle and has a cousin employed by the City.
The Prime Minister and Ms Hayden were engaged on Valentine's Day, a romantic theme echoed by Friday's Out of the Square ad, which read "Enjoy Newcastle. Opportunity + Lifestyle. Another perfect marriage."

Happy returns to the happiest couple
Speaking of romantic gestures, friend of Topics and Waratah West man, Fred Saunders, wrote in last week to congratulate George and Deborah Lozanovski, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on February 2 (Topics, February 15).
"February 14, 1950, was the day I arrived in Fremantle and am still here," Mr Saunders wrote, "My wife Margaret and I celebrate 70 years married on March 6, 2024."
Mr Saunders, who will never forget his first date with Margaret on May 1, 1952, married the love of his life two years later.
"We are 91 and nearly 90, five children, 23 grandchildren and 36 great-grandchildren," Mr Saunders lovingly wrote, adding, "We have done our bit to build Australia."