And other stories from the stranger side of life
George Harrison’s mother once wrote that screaming Beatles fans made her “really ashamed” she was female, The Times reported. In a letter in 1963, Louise Harrison told a teenager about hysterical scenes she witnessed at a gig in Manchester. “I was really disgusted at the way the so-called fans just screamed right through the whole of the Beatles act,” she wrote. “Nobody with any sense would pay and queue for a ticket just to stand on a seat and scream and not hear one sound from the stage.”
Twins swamp Scottish schools
A Scottish local authority dubbed “Twinverclyde” is preparing for the second-largest number of twins on record starting primary school next week, Sky News reported. Schools in Inverclyde are expecting 17 sets of twins next Friday, bringing back memories of 2015, when 19 sets of twins started. “It has become an annual tradition in Inverclyde, or Twinverclyde as we've become known, to welcome our twins into primary one,” said Graeme Brooks, depute provost of Inverclyde Council.
Spanish nudists rise up
A “rebellion is brewing” in Catalonia’s naturist community because “with every summer that passes, their beaches are baring less flesh”, said The Times. The remote spots popular among naturists have been colonised by people who don’t want nakedness and “the nudists have had enough”, said the paper. They are demanding action from the authorities to “defend them from the remorseless erosion of the right to whip off their trunks and bikinis free of the oppressive, disapproving glances of the new neighbours”.
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