A re-elected Coalition government will investigate a new freight access route for Scone.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway recently announced that $15 million had been allocated for the investigation and delivery of the project.
The investigation will focus on how trucks that service the Scone Regional Livestock Selling Centre and Scone Abattoir can be diverted away from residential streets in the township.
"The saleyard and meatworks are vital to the Scone and Upper Hunter shire economy," National Party member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said.
"The NSW Nationals know how important it is to have efficient and effective transport links for both of these operations and that's why we are prepared to back this investigation.
"Bottom line, is that improving freight access at Scone will benefit road safety on residential streets and the potential for additional job creation in the town."
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the Upper Hunter Electorate is already benefiting from a commitment to improve infrastructure for the road freight industry.
"Since 2011, we have ensured delivery of the Scone Bypass, undertaken upgrades on the Golden Highway, commenced construction on the Belford to Golden Highway-New England Highway upgrade and more recently commenced pre-construction work for the Singleton and Muswellbrook Bypasses," Mr Farraway said.
"The road infrastructure pipeline that the NSW Nationals and Liberals in Government is delivering can only achieve its full potential when important economic drivers like Scone saleyard and the local abattoir have efficient transport connections which link them to markets and their customers."
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