A Nottinghamshire hotel could soon be turned into housing under newly revealed plans. The plans propose to change The Central Hotel, in Station Road, in Sutton-in-Ashfield into a House in Multiple Occupation.
The premises are still currently being used as a hotel but could be converted into a 17-bedroom shared house, if plans are approved. The applicant has stated they ‘would not be looking to do anything structural internally or externally, as the rooms are already in place it would be a change of use’.
People in the area told Nottinghamshire Live they think it should remain a hotel. Maureen Johnson, 75, said it was more handy as a hotel due to lack of places to stay in Sutton-in-Ashfield.
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Maureen said: “I’ve only ever been once. It’s been there for a long while. It would be ideal if it still was. I’ve got a cousin from Newark, who visited, and they stayed in I think it was a Travelodge in Alfreton because there’s nothing around here. It would be handy to have. It is more handy as a hotel.”

Susan Sandersons, 75, told Nottinghamshire Live that she’d prefer the property to remain as it is. Mrs Sandersons said: “It seems to get used from what I can see. From the car park, you see the cars. I think it depends who’s going in it. I'd prefer it to stay as hotel. “
Chris Sumpter, 62, said the hotel should stay if the business was viable. Mr Sumpter said: “It used to be well used - I don’t know the situation now. I knew one or two that used it. Some of the people that used it are workmen who travelled from far away.
“If it’s a hotel then I think it should stay that way, if it’s making money. If not, change it to another use.”
Councillor David Hennigan, Independent Councillor for Sutton Central and New Cross, said he would call the application to a planning committee. Mr Hennigan said: “I have ‘called this’ in for the planning committee to fully investigate the approval of a HMO in the heart of Sutton-in-Ashfield. The owners of the Central Hotel have been good custodians of the premises over a significant amount of time. The plans leave occupants wholly unsupervised however – right next to Sutton town centre.
“The plans are unclear and offer no cycle storage and I have concerns that 14 car parking spaces for 14 or 15 rooms is not enough. With the council securing tens of millions of regeneration cash – this sounds like an attractive proposition for a developer. I oppose it on the grounds of the impact on its neighbours and the increase in cars at 2 extremely busy junctions.”
Applicant Mark Henderson-Savage of Savage Properties is the applicant for the site. The application is pending consideration by Ashfield District Council.
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