And other stories from the stranger side of life
A whale that was accused of being a Russian spy in 2019 has reappeared, said The Times. The beluga whale was first spotted in Norway in 2019, and spent more than three years moving down the top half of the Norwegian coastline before moving on to Sweden in recent months. When it first appeared four years ago, marine biologists from the Norwegian directorate of fisheries removed a harness, which had a mount suited for an action camera and the words “Equipment St Petersburg” printed on it.
Reservoir drained for lost phone
An Indian government official has been suspended after ordering two million litres of water to be drained from reservoir so he could find his phone. The food inspector, Rajesh Vishwas, had dropped his Samsung smartphone in Kherkatta dam while taking a selfie. Although the waterlogged handset was retrieved after the three-day search, it could not be switched on, said the Times of India.
Boy in eagle outfit scares gulls
A chip shop employee is donning a giant eagle outfit in a bid to scare off seagulls. Corey Grieveson, 18, is paid £200 a day “prowling the harbour” on behalf of Mister Chips in Whitby, said Metro. “I feel like a bit of a celebrity,” he said. “I just charge at the seagulls when I see them.” However, said the paper, “it’s not always plain sailing for Corey” as the crafty gulls “take revenge by pooing on his car every day”.
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