David Schwimmer melts into the floor
My favourite moment is some classic David Schwimmer physical comedy. It’s in the episode when Ross and Elizabeth go for a weekend to Elizabeth’s Dad’s country house, but Elizabeth’s Dad also happens to have gone for a weekend away with Rachel. Cue a fabulous farce, whereby Ross attempts to hide. At one point, Ross is standing behind the door in the bedroom when Elizabeth’s Dad enters – and Ross practically melts to the floor and slides under the bed. I don’t think any other actor could have captured the move so perfectly. Sarah Birkett, 48, Leeds
Monica and Chandler get engaged
Despite the predictable build-up (will he won’t he, will she won’t she, will he lose the ring?) the Monica-Chandler double proposal still managed to pack an emotional punch by feeling like a very real, blubbery, messy way you might ask your very dearest to marry you. I also love that they both get on bended knee. Fiona, 53, Auckland, New Zealand
Ross can’t take off his leather pants
When Ross just cannot take off his leather pants despite the various silly methods he uses. As his desperation grows, so does the hilarity. I laughed until I cried. Every time I want to buy some leather pants, I stop myself in solidarity with Ross. Vilija, 48, Brussels
Jennifer Aniston can’t control her laughter
In The One With Joey’s New Brain, Ross learns to play the bagpipes as a gift for Monica and Chandler’s wedding. He shows them, Phoebe and Rachel his progress by performing Celebration, and invites them to sing along. Phoebe starts screeching. You can see Rachel laughing behind her. Only it’s not just Rachel, it’s clearly Jennifer Aniston not being able to control her laughter. Anonymous, Spain
Phoebe’s happy ending
The One With Phoebe’s Wedding – the snow, the dress and Phoebe walking down the aisle to her friend Marjorie playing Here, There and Everywhere by The Beatles on steel drums. It’s a real fairytale moment outside Central Perk and Phoebe gets her happy ending. I must have watched this episode over a hundred times and I still well up every time. Holly Harris, 29, London
Joey spells out ‘pleh’ with twigs
I’ve watched Friends on loop at least 20 times and it’s the most comforting and reassuring show. It’s got me through some really tough times. Even though I know the scripts inside out, I still laugh anticipating certain lines. A favourite scene of mine is in season three when all the friends (except Ross) try to go on a ski trip but get stranded when the car breaks down. So Joey spells out “pleh” in twigs – being “help” backwards, so that it can be read by a helicopter. It cracks me up every single time. Jane Duffus, 46, Bristol
‘People need juice!’
Rachel is on a date with Mark and Chandler is having to restrain Ross to stop him going over to her apartment. Ross says he will use the excuse of asking for juice, wailing unconvincingly: “People need juice!” What a great line. Roger Marsh, 75, France
Ross says the wrong name at his wedding
My absolute favourite was the Ross and Emily wedding scene where Ross said Rachel’s name while reciting his vows. I remember watching that in real time when it first aired and being so shocked. Keren Metz, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
‘I wish I could … but I don’t want to’
Quite a specific one, but it’s from season one, episode one, The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate, when Joey and Chandler help Ross with his new furniture in his new apartment and they ask Phoebe if she wants to help. Her reply, “Oh, I wish I could but I don’t want to,” is such a classic line that I have a meme of it on my phone’s camera roll. Amanda Amory, London
Joey makes a moo point
Joey: “It’s like a cow’s opinion, it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” We all have a phrase we completely misunderstood but fit to the context. Joey’s misunderstanding of the word “moot” sends me into giggles every time someone says it. As a litigator, it brightens my day regularly. Megan, 39, Australia
Rachel gets off the plane
My favourite moment is when Rachel surprises Ross with “I got off the plane”. It brings us right around to the will they won’t they from the very first episode. Then Ross lightens it with his “on a break” joke. Perfect. My older sister was the biggest Friends fan who knew every word. She died aged 55 this June. We watch it over and over and think of her. A slow version of the theme tune was even played at her funeral. Fiona, 53, Swansea