Representative Mary Miller, R-Ill., has made it public she will be boycotting President Biden's State of the Union address due to what she says are "lies" and an ineffectiveness to maintain border security as well as opposition to his energy policy, including the cancellation of the Keystone pipeline.
"I'm not going to sit there and listen to him lie and watch the media and other members of Congress applaud him for his lies," Miller said in an interview with Breitbart.
Miller cited her own statistics about the issue at the Mexico border.
"By the time his presidency is over we could have 12 to 14 million terrorists, fentanyl dealers, child traffickers and an entire welfare state entering our country," Miller said. "He has also lied about our energy prices."
Miller also touted U.S. foreign policy under former President Donald Trump.
"He was always aggressive with our enemies and it allowed for peace in the world."
Miller's comments ignored the well over dozen major international military conflicts that occurred across the world during Trump's presidency.
According to Miller, she has donated her ticket to a retired military colonel who had to retire because he would not get the vaccine.