The holy Islamic month of Ramzan began on Saturday night after the newmoon was sighted at Parappanagadi.
All major Kazis in the State, including two Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama heads Syed Mohammed Jifri Muthukoya Thangal and Kanthapuram A.P. Aboobacker Musliar, confirmed the beginning of Ramzan.
Muslims across the State will observe day-long fasting for a month from Sunday. They will engage in special night prayers called Tharaveeh during Ramzan. They will also increase charity activities and stay away from entertainments during Ramzan.
Mosques across the State were braced up to herald Ramzan, especially after two years of restrictions and closures inflicted by COVID-19. Most mosques donned a fresh coat of paint and replaced their carpets.
Muslim leaders irrespective of differences in faith and socio-political affiliations called upon the people to make use of the holiest month to attain spiritual cleansing by engaging in humanitarian activities.
In southern Kerala
In southern Kerala, Ramzan will begin from Sunday following the sighting of the new moon at Pudhupettai in Tamil Nadu, Palayam Imam V.P. Suhaib Moulavi has said. As per this, believers will begin the month-long fasting and prayers from Sunday.
(With inputs from Thiruvananthapuram)