The Queensland premier admits her response to claims of interference in official record-keeping "could have been done better", but is resisting calls for a broader integrity probe.
Former state archivist Mike Summerell says he repeatedly raised concerns about interference, potentially resulting in parliament being misled, and the declining standard of government record-keeping.
He felt he was pushed out of his role in May after being offered a three-month extension to his five-year contract.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk last week said most of Mr Summerell's concerns had already been dealt with, but she ordered her own director-general Rachel Hunter to probe them.
She now admits the response could have been better and that a Queen's Counsel will probe Mr Summerell's claims, rather than Ms Hunter.
"Some people don't think they were listened to and I don't want that, I don't want that," Ms Palaszcuk told reporters on Monday.
"I want them to be able to be listened to and I want to make sure that the matters that they raise are investigated."
The QC investigation will be kept "at arm's length from the government", the premier said, and they will release their report publicly without any oversight.
Ms Palaszczuk also said Mr Summerell's confidential 2017 report into an email scandal involving transport minister Mark Bailey can be publicly released, pending legal advice.
However, the premier is still resisting calls for a probe into wider government integrity, amid a string of misconduct allegations and complaints.
Integrity Commissioner Nikola Stepanov, who has announced her resignation, claims a laptop was taken from her office and wiped, and that the premier's office tried to have her sacked.
The laptop claim is currently being investigated by the CCC, which is itself subject to a commission of inquiry into its functions and structure after its botched probe into Logan Council.
Dr Stepanov, Mr Summerell, the Liberal National Party, Katter's Australian Party and the Greens want the inquiry to review government integrity as well.
LNP leader David Crisafulli accused the government of "systemic corruption" and said if they had nothing to hide they would throw open their books.
He said Ms Palaszczuk's admission that the response to Mr Summerell could've been better indicated she was facing "internal pressure".
"No doubt after being briefed by her 30 media spinners, today the premier tried to change her tune right before a Cabinet meeting," he said.
However, the inquiry's commissioners Tony Fitzgerald and Alan Wilson on Monday rejected the request to broaden their probe into the CCC.
"The Commissioners have carefully considered that matter and have decided that they will not make such a request," the commissioners said in a statement.