A photo of a body wrapped in plastic found encased in concrete at a transport depot has been revealed on the opening day of a murder trial.
Joshua Searston, 27 and Dewald De Klerk, 30, on Monday pleaded not guilty to murdering Andrew Walsh, 35, at the Coopers Plains site in Brisbane's south in November 2021.
The body of Mr Walsh - known as "Ghost" - was not discovered until March 2022, with an image of his remains in a concrete pit shown to the 12-person jury in the Supreme Court on Monday.
Crown prosecutor Chris Cook told the court it took authorities days to dig down and recover Mr Walsh, who was about 1.5m into the concrete pit.
Searston and De Klerk quickly descended into "pure cruelty" when they attacked Mr Walsh, who was at one stage "skull dragged", Mr Cook said.
The duo targeted Mr Walsh who had been accused of "franking" a woman known to the three men, the court heard.
Mr Cook said "franking" meant sexually assaulting someone after drugging them.
"Whether Searston and De Klerk's initial motives were some sort of moral police, they escalated over time to the point they brutally killed Mr Walsh and callously disposed of his body," Mr Cook said.

Searston "skull dragged" Mr Walsh out of an upstairs bedroom at the depot and repeatedly struck and stabbed the 35-year-old in November 2021, the court was told.
"He (Mr Walsh) was telling Searston, begging him to stop," Mr Cook said.
"Searston continued and yelled at Walsh 'you disrespect women, you frank them'."
De Klerk then joined in, Mr Cook said.
"They flog him, I think will be a word that you'll hear used," he said.
"Whatever their initial motive might have been, this quickly descended into pure cruelty."
Searston and De Klerk later boasted about killing Mr Walsh in a January 2022 phone conversation that they knew was being recorded, Mr Cook said.
In the conversation played in court, one of the accused said: "Did he (Mr Walsh) have gold teeth the c***sucker? I should've ripped them out of his head".
Mr Cook said the two men "knew that this phone conversation was being recorded".
"They were boasting about killing Andrew Walsh on the 7th and 8th of November, 2021."
Mr Walsh had been dealing drugs in the lead-up to the attack, Mr Cook said.
"Drugs are the link between most of the players in this case," he told the court.
Mr Walsh was reported missing by his mother in January 2022, before police executed a search warrant at the depot the next month.
His remains were discovered with significant decomposition, nasal bone fracturing, dislodged teeth, fracturing around his right shoulder blade and collarbone along with abdomen stab wounds, Mr Cook said.
De Klerk attempted to flee the country but was located by Australian Federal Police at Sydney International Airport in March 2022 "when the heat was on", the prosecutor said.