The Property Council of Australia says the next NSW government should "champion" a so-called city partnership between the Hunter and the federal government.
The industry group will launch its NSW election platform on Friday, including a campaign for a new Hunter infrastructure fund to "unlock" housing supply.
It says "disjointed" planning across the three levels of government is "preventing maximum capacity" in the Western Sydney, Hunter and Illawarra economies.
The Albanese government has committed to continuing the former government's "city deal" economic accelerator program but will rename the agreements city partnerships. Western Sydney is the only NSW area among nine nationally to have a city deal.
A Hunter infrastructure fund is one of the Property Council's election wishes for the region.
The group wants the next government to "build capacity and diversity" at Newcastle's airport and port, including implementing the Williamtown Special Activation Precinct.
The recommendations include freight rail and passenger transport improvements with high-frequency links to key centres across the region.
Property Council Hunter director Anita Hugo called for commitments to extend light rail to Broadmeadow and University of Newcastle and fast rail to Sydney with wifi-enabled carriages.
The council also wants the next government to accelerate plans for the Hunter Park precinct at Broadmeadow.
"What the Property Council has put on the table today is not just an aspirational plan for the future of our region but a plan to deliver it," Ms Hugo said.