Thank you for printing the photograph of Boris Johnson alongside his oven-ready satellite launcher (Spot the difference: Boris Johnson appears scrubbed from photo posted by Shapps, 10 January). With his oven-ready Brexit deal and his oven-ready social care package, we’ll soon have the full set.
Hugh Cooper
Charing, Kent
• I have a dual-language M&S packet of “sauce chapelure avec l’oignon, du poivre noir et des clous de girofle” in the cupboard for emergency use (bread sauce, after all, being not just for Christmas). And good to have further evidence of international appreciation (Letters, 13 January).
Neil Angrave
• William ignoring Harry at school was surely so common as to be unremarkable (Brother, where art thou? Prince William bears the brunt of Harry’s angry book, 10 January). At secondary school, my elder sister spoke to me only to tell me not to show off and show her up.
Margaret Squires
St Andrews, Fife
• While there must be a correlation between getting older and becoming more rightwing (Letters, 9 January), my own theory is that wealth is the dominant correlation. Wealth seems to make people meaner. At age 75, I believe I have become more progressive.
Rob Good
Bentworth, Hampshire
• Peter Butler’s answer (Letters, 15 January) to your article (Pass notes, 9 January) on four-minute showers reminds me that at school (a long, long while ago) that kind of strip wash was known as a “pits and parts” wash.
Judith Patten
Richmond, Surrey
• (Letters, 15 January)
Brian Smith
Berlin, Germany