A popular barber shop has been forced to close after a manhole in its shop was flooded by a blocked drain. Lost Boys barber shop in Pontypridd has been closed for the last week after spending the previous few months dealing with the issue.
Owner Josh Downes said he had been trying to get the problem solved since it first came to light in August, but he was struggling to get anyone to help. He ordered a private company to carry out a drainage report and to clear the drain in August, after the back of his shop flooded due to the blockage.
The drainage report, which has been seen by WalesOnline said the blockage had been cleared and indicated that the cause was "grease and fat being poured down the drains." A spokesperson for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council has since confirmed that teams from trading standards have visited food premises in the area to remind them of their waste disposal responsibilities. You can get more Pontypridd news and other story updates straight to your inbox by subscribing to our newsletters here.
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But unblocking the drain did not solve the issue and the shop was flooded again in October. Josh said it had cost thousands in closures and repairs.
Since this happened, Josh said Welsh Water had visited the property on a number of occasions, most recently, last week, where workers carried out investigations. Josh claimed he was also told by engineers on site that the drain blockage issues were caused by fat and oil. However, when he contacted Welsh Water and asked if this could be put on an official report, he was told they were unable to include it.

He also expressed concern that the issue would continue on to other parts of the local drainage system, however he claimed Welsh Water told him that, as it had not been reported yet, there was nothing they could do. He added that when Welsh Water was at the property, a gas monitor workers had with them started going off as a result of the fumes that were being emitted from the cooking oil and fat down the drain. He claimed he was later told by Welsh Water over a recorded phone call that the gas monitor was in fact faulty before it was used on that job.
He said he had been told that Trading Standards needed a report from Welsh Water before it could act on any alleged illegal activity in flushing oil down drains, despite his own independent drainage report already suggesting the existence of the oil and fat in the shop.
The barbers opened in Taff Street after a brand new refurb by Josh in 2021. Josh said he wanted it to be a place where men could feel comfortable about discussing their mental health. Last year seven young men spoke candidly and honestly while at the barbers about their experience of drugs growing up in Wales.
"I have had to close my business because of this. I've spent hours contacting my customers moving them around offering different appointments at my other shops. I've spent so much time on trying to get this solved. This is the start of what could potentially be a big problem for the drains in the area, I have heard of more than my shop dealing with a bad smell from manholes at the back of their shops. I could accept it if I had put thousands of pounds into a business and it had sunk itself, but not this. I've lost too much money, I just can't go back there"

The shop has been flooded twice since August, and Josh said he had spent thousands on solicitors letters, repairing damage and air fresheners as the blocked drain was emitting a terrible smell. The whole debacle has forced Josh to make the decision not to re-open Lost Boys barbershop in Taff Street.
Josh said he had been helped repeatedly by local councillor Dawn Wood who was devastated about his exit from the high street and desperately wanted to see him make a return. Josh said she had worked tirelessly contacting different agencies to try and get the issue resolved.
A spokesperson for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council said: “Following an initial complaint made to us on October 20, 2022, in relation to the public sewer at the premises, our officers have since investigated and been in contact with Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water. We understand Welsh Water have been on site and cleared any blockage and we currently await the result of their findings. Council officers are also contacting all food premises in the areas to remind them of the duty of care with regards to their waste disposal.”
A spokesperson for Welsh Water said: "We have been dealing with an issue with the sewer serving the property which is linked to blockages in the pipe. We have encountered a delay in clearing the blockages due to their location, however this has now been resolved. We have now successfully removed the one blockage and are in the process of removing the second. We are in contact with the customer and would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.”