Just like Tim Dowling’s wife (Tim Dowling: my wife is alone while I’m on tour. Will she cope?, 15 April), I had the house to myself while my other half went off on a jolly with old uni chums. To treat myself, I bought a small bottle of champagne. I was looking forward to this mini celebration, but when the moment came, I couldn’t open it. C’est la vie.
Christine Hayes
Wokingham, Berkshire
• Re your article on plastic packaging in supermarkets (‘Change is always difficult’: from no lids to vac-packs, the war on plastic packaging divides opinion, 14 April), one customer complained that a pack of vacuum-packed meat “resembled a body part”. Er ... what part of minced beef is not a body part?
David Gordon
• A few years ago, I planted a marigold in a large pothole near my house in Worthing (Potholes in England go unrepaired for up to 18 months, 17 April). The publication of the photo in the Worthing Herald prompted the local council to mend that particular hole, but it totally ignored two others nearby. How shortsighted can people be?
Geraldine Blake
Worthing, West Sussex
• One possible solution to the din created by people shouting “Alexa, play...” across their garden at 1am is to shout back, “Alexa, stop” (Letters, 16 April).
Carolyn Tattam
Chinley, Derbyshire
• Isn’t a crossbody bag just a bumbag worn incorrectly (How Uniqlo’s £15 crossbody bag conquered the world, 14 April)?
Pete Bibby
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.