Three out of every four people are worried by the fact that more Covid-19 cases have been found in schools, a survey by the Health Department has found.
Department chief Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai said the poll was carried out from July 6-18, to find out whether people in general were worried by the continued infections in schools. He gave no details of the survey method.
He said a clear majority, 76.2%, of respondents said they were worried.
Asked why, with each respondent allowed to give more than one answer, 69.7% said they feared that children might spread the virus to their families; 55.0% were afraid infected children would develop severe symptoms; and 41.5% said with children being infected, medical care and treatment could affect their work and income.
Asked what behaviour they thought could put their children at-risk of being infected, 60% of respondents said children chatting or playing in groups without wearing a face mask; 45% pointed to children in close contact while taking part in group activities; and 30% children sharing utensils and glasses while eating.
Asked what measures should be taken if children were infected while in school, 48.3% said the student's class should be closed for sterilising and then reopened as usual; 41% said teachers and children should take antigen tests before schools are re-opened; and 40.7% said schools with infected children should strictly comply with an emergency response plan.
The Health Department is part of the Public Health Ministry.